

Fan Yang was born in January 1955 in Hong Kong, with ancestral roots in Nantong, Jiangsu. His temperament is gentle and honest; as a youth, he was a diligent student and acted with ease and adaptability. He has many friends and is well-regarded among fellow artists. Coming from a family steeped in poetry, calligraphy, and painting, he possesses considerable talent. While many scions of such families are clever yet lack steadiness, prone to sudden insights but resistant to gradual cultivation, Fan Jun established his spirit firmly, rooted his foundation deeply, absorbed the essence of art, and achieved greatness through accumulation.

Before entering university, Fan Yang worked at the Nantong Institute of Arts and Crafts, where he studied folk embroidery and papercutting. At that time, numerous renowned artists from home and abroad, such as Pang Xunqin and Wu Guanzhong, frequently lectured at the institute, enlightening students and fostering younger talents. Fan Yang benefited greatly from these interactions.

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Fan Yang’s artistic pursuits are broad, encompassing landscapes, flowers, birds, and figures, excelling in both meticulous and freehand styles, from grand compositions to small pieces. He does not adhere rigidly to conventions but enjoys experimenting with various techniques and styles. In the early 1990s, he became fascinated with meticulous figure painting, often drawing inspiration from Tang poetry, employing traditional methods with single lines and flat colors, outlining and shading. His works are characterized by ancient yet pure tones, intricate and precise structures, presenting a fresh and bright aesthetic that pleases the eye and mind, leaving a lasting impression.

Fan Yang places great importance on his state of mind while painting. When he wields his brush, he is calm and composed, like a skilled general arranging his troops. Before he begins, he does not necessarily have a complete vision but allows his emotions to guide him, drawing freely with spontaneous lines to establish the overall composition. He then lets his imagination flow, layer upon layer, meticulously applying ink and color until the painting becomes rich and profound. The seemingly casual dots and lines are ultimately unified into a coherent structure, forming rhythmic and melodic ink symbols, exuding a dynamic yet serene energy reminiscent of the primal wilderness, stirring the viewer's heart.

Fan Yang’s painting emphasizes the principle of “thick brush, heavy ink,” a reflection not merely of technique but of spirit. As a child learning calligraphy, his grandmother taught him, “A brush must be used with weight, and ink must be applied richly; this affects one's future fortune.” Over time, as Fan Yang delved into landscape painting, he was profoundly influenced by the styles of the Song and Yuan dynasties, following a path of grandeur and stability. His ink landscapes are marked by a solid brush technique, using the center of the brush with every stroke in place, executed with ease and confidence. The lines and dots of his brushwork are natural and free, winding and undulating, shaping his internal visions with a rustic form while preserving the unique aesthetic of the brush and ink. Each stroke not only demonstrates skill but also conveys emotion, allowing the viewer to feel his profound sincerity.

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Fan Yang possesses a rare confidence in his nature, regarding painting as his paramount pursuit, firmly believing he can become a great artist. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, many influential artists have been landscape painters, prompting Fan Yang to immerse himself in landscape painting, an endeavor from which he has never turned back. The Chinese philosophy of unity between man and nature finds its perfect expression in landscapes that can be inhabited, traversed, and that reflect the true character and cultivated thought of the artist. Fan Yang’s landscape paintings are deeply rooted in tradition. Surveying his works, one finds the dense depth of Wu Zhen and Wang Meng, alongside the serene grandeur of Zhao Mengfu and Dong Qichang. His notable talent lies in his ability to transform the ancient into the contemporary, drawing from tradition yet unconfined by any one school, establishing his distinctive style.

Fan Yang’s landscapes carry the profound essence of tradition while embodying a unique innovative spirit. Drawing from the techniques of past masters, he infuses his own insights, creating works that retain ancient charm yet present new appearances, endlessly captivating. Brush and ink must follow the times. Fan Yang’s landscapes emphasize the expression of the inner spirit, yet they never depart from the understanding and experience of real natural landscapes, nor do they resort to mere combinations of traditional brush and ink formulas. He continually draws new aesthetic experiences from nature, keeping his art vibrant. Leaving the study, he travels to places like southern Anhui and Tibet, sketching from life and directly experiencing the inspiration nature offers. In nature, he perceives the subtleties of creation and seeks the inner spirit of true mountains and waters. Through this communion with nature, Fan Yang’s artistic insights have deepened, his paintings becoming more rich and profound in tone, while their form grows freer and more relaxed, gradually developing a brush and ink style marked by the characteristics of his era.

Fan Yang has always been highly regarded by the academic community. Numerous art journals have featured him in special issues, and many art critics have given him high praise, clearly indicating the broad recognition his artistic creations have received. At Nanjing Normal University’s Art Department, Fan Yang progressed from teacher to lecturer, professor, and eventually dean. From an enthusiast of calligraphy and painting to a contemporary powerhouse in the art world, Fan Yang’s journey has been one of steady progress, marked by natural ease. His path, like his paintings, is deep and far-reaching, serene and leisurely.
