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梅法良,男,1964年出生于安徽肥东,1989年至今在安徽淮北工作。淮北市书法家协会会员,中国硬笔书法协会会员,CCTV文化频道签约艺术家。“中国散文网”会员,高级作家,“翰青国韵文化艺术中心”理事,2022年“中国散文网”、“北京华夏博学国际文化交流中心”出版的书籍《“最美中国”当代诗歌散文精品集》任编委。2023年2月,由“中国文化出版社”出版的《2022全国文学精品选》任特约编委。2023年4月,荣获“中国诗书画家网”、:“中国散文网”、“华夏博学国际文化交流中心”联合评选的“在2022-2023年度创作成果丰硕,荣获《年度文艺创作精英奖》”。2022年7月,作品《清明追思》在“翰青国韵文化艺术中心”举办的“翰青国韵 词润芳华”杯全国诗词大赛中,荣获二等奖。2022年12月,作品《我怕》在“中国散文网”、“华夏博学国际文化交流中心”联合举办的《第二届“三亚杯”全国文学大赛》荣获金奖,并入编《2022年度全国文学精品选》。2023年4月,作品《父亲》在“中国诗书画家网”、“中国散文网”、“华夏博学国际文化交流中心”联合评选中荣获金奖,并入编《2022-2023中国当代文艺家代表作年鉴》。2023年8月,书法作品《路虽远行则将至,事虽难作则必成》荣获“中国硬笔书法协会”、“中国散文网”、“华夏博学国际文化交流中心”联合举办的《第二届“晋唐杯”全国诗书画家创作赛》一等奖。其多篇作品在全国多项比赛中获得多种奖项。

Mei Faliang, male, was born in Feidong, Anhui in 1964. He has been working in Huaibei, Anhui since 1989.He is a member of Huaibei Calligraphers Association, a member of China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, and a contracted artist of CCTV Cultural Channel.Member of "China Prose Network", senior writer, director of "Hanqing Guoyun Culture and Art Center", the book ""The Most Beautiful China" Contemporary Poetry and Prose Works" published by "China Prose Network" and "Beijing Huaxia Erxue International Cultural Exchange Center" in 2022 Collection" serves as an editorial board member.In February 2023, he served as a special editorial board member of the "2022 National Literature Selection" published by "China Culture Publishing House".In April 2023, he won the "Annual Elite Award for Literary and Art Creation" jointly selected by "Chinese Poetry, Calligraphers and Painters Network", "China Prose Network", and "Huaxia Erxue International Cultural Exchange Center" for "fruitful creative achievements in 2022-20

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