二手商品(Used Products)
冷冻商品(Products that require refrigeration)
易漏液的商品(Products with some type of damage or spill)无初始包装商品(Pointy items without primary packaging)喷雾或易燃/有毒/带腐蚀性商品(Aerosols or any flammable,toxic or corrosivematerial)
有保质期限的商品(Products with expiration date)
雪茄、烟草及相关产品(Cigars,tobacco and related products);
刀具(Knives,pocket knives and razors of any kind);
医疗器械(Health supplies and medical equipment);
电池、充电器和充电器(Batteries,chargers and power stations);
钱币、贵金属/钻石(Money in cash,coins,precious metals or diamonds);杀虫剂和驱虫剂(Insecticides and repellents);
动物、宠物、动物制品及动植物衍生物(Animals,pets,animal products,byproducts and offal from animal or vegetable origin);
火器、弹药、爆炸物和化学物(Firearms,ammunition,explosives and chemicalsubstances);
毒品、麻醉和神经类物质(Drugs,narcotics and psychotropic substances);
(Pornographic material of any kind);
人类遗体/骨灰(Human remains or ashes);
种子/植物(Seeds or plants);
有毒的工业废料(Toxic industrial waste);
放射性物质和材料(Radioactive substances and materials);
易燃产品(Flammable substances):
电击枪(Stun guns);
石棉(Asbestos in any form)
古董,收藏品和艺术品(Antiques,Collectibles and Works of art)
0-3岁儿童玩具(Toys for babies and children under 3 years old);
玩具枪(Toy guns);
带有人物形象的玩偶和玩具(Dolls and toys with human figure);实木制品(Anything that contains wood eg, urniture, pencils, musicalinstruments,etc);
泥塑、橡皮泥、油漆(Modeling dough,plasticines,paints);
军用制品(Military products of any kind);
望远镜(Binoculars, monoculars and Telescopes);
天然羽毛制品(Natural leather goods);
。个护用品和化妆品(Personal beauty care products and cosmetics);
肥料和杀虫剂(Fertilizers and pesticides);
纹身设备及用品(Tattoo equipment and supplies);
美妆用品和设备(Beauty supplies and equipment);
食品和饮料(Food and beverages of any kind)
蜡烛和香薰(Candles and incense);
打印机墨盒(Printer ink);
纹身设备及用品(Tattoo equipment and supplies );
肥料和杀虫剂(Fertilizers and pesticides);
美妆用品和设备(Beauty supplies and equipment);
。个护用品和化妆品(Personal beauty care products and cosmetics);
食品和饮料(Food and beverages of any kind);肥料和杀虫剂(Fertilizers and pesticides);
无线电通讯设备(Radio communication equipment);
渔具(Fishery products);
用于教学的与武术相关的书面或视听材料(Written or audiovisual material relatedto martial arts intended for teaching);
电子设备(Electronic devices such as Blu-Ray players, DVD players, hi-fisystems, home theaters, printers,TV decoders and TV sets.);
。个护用品和化妆品(Personal beauty care products and cosmetics);
纹身设备及用品(Tattoo equipment and supplies );
美妆用品和设备(Beauty supplies and equipment);
食品和饮料(Food and beverages of any kind)
激光笔(Laser pointers);
手机和智能手机(Cell phones and smartphones)