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Bao Jin was born in 1967 in Shanding County, Guizhou Province. Later, he moved with his parents to live in Maobailin, Baiyun Town, Pingba County. I have loved calligraphy since childhood and have participated in school calligraphy activities during my studies, winning awards every time. After graduating from high school in 1982, I worked as a household farmer. During the leisure time, I went to the city to buy some calligraphy works of famous artists in the past dynasties to study and study. At the same time, I also exhibited the good calligraphy works of various current schools. I took the essence and added my own calligraphy style to create calligraphy works of my own style. There are various activities in my hometown, and during festivals, I am invited by people to come and write various couplets and congratulatory messages. Usually, people also find ways to write inscriptions, hang plaques, advertise with artistic characters, slogans, and carve and edit seals. Due to learning, hard work, research, innovation, and development in calligraphy. Since 2012, national and global calligraphy and painting competitions have won first prize and gold medal each time. The works are exhibited in countries and regions such as Beijing, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. It is also collected by multiple enterprises, units, and individuals. In 2016 and 2017, he was named one of the top ten artists and recognized as an outstanding talent in Chinese calligraphy and painting. Academic reporting was conducted on the full media website of People's Daily in 2019. In 2022, the People's Daily's Inheritance of the Past and Creation of the Present program conducted an interview and reported on video.

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奋楫扬帆启新程 笃行致远续华章

Struggling with boats, setting sail, embarking on a new journey, steadfastly carrying on the journey to the future, continuing the chapter of glory


Every work by Teacher Bao Jin can make people stop and watch. Both in terms of the essence and form of calligraphy, it can provide us with a lot of space for reflection and imagination. His works are grand and diverse, and it can be said that the soul of writing should be the unity in change.


Throughout Mr. Bao's calligraphy works, one can feel that they are new but not thin, magnificent but not beautiful, and the entire piece does not lose its charm. The combination of softness and hardness, the combination of majesty and beauty, and the structure are naturally formed. Learn from the past without sticking to it, seek novelty without seeking favor. This is the calligraphy of Mr. Bao, which was forged in the heart by many ancient people, with a brush that integrates the strengths of a hundred schools of thought into himself. It is delicate and has a combination of fat and bone, flesh and bone, free and vivid. The versatility of the pen, the proficiency of the composition, the contrast between the top and bottom, the gaze on the left and right, the ups and downs, and the jumping onto the paper. In the flowing lines, they are flexible and varied in terms of radius, density, size, length, thickness, concentration, lightness, dryness, and wetness. The grandeur is like flowing clouds and flowing water, truly unique and ingenious, forming its own unique brushwork and artistic expression form.


Teacher Bao's calligraphy creation does not bring us a simple visual work, but rather triggers repeated thinking and reflection on our lack of humanistic spirit. Our future creations, whether traditional or modern, Eastern traditional art or Western modern art, cannot do without humanistic spirit and care. Teacher Bao is a thoughtful calligrapher. In the void and reality, he took the void; On the side and inside, he took the side; He took the noodles online and in the noodles. Every original work he creates has a unique personality. His artistic charm not only gives people artistic appreciation, but also spiritual enjoyment. His works are gentle yet strong, showing off their uniqueness, like divine assistance.


For Teacher Bao Jin, calligraphy is his lifelong passion and pursuit. It is also because of this persistence that although his life has had a few more ups and downs than ordinary people, he has also won a few wonderful moments.


(Wen/Ye Feng)

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