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伦敦大学学院(University College London),简称UCL,校区位于伦敦市中心,是一所世界顶尖的公立综合研究型大学。UCL是继牛津、剑桥之后的英国第三古老大学,与牛剑、IC和LSE同属英国最好的“G5超级精英大学”,2024年QS排名世界第6,也是英国留学申请的第一梯队。



MA Medieval and Renaissance Studies

MA Language, Culture and History

MA Comparative Literature

MA Early Modern Studies

MA European Culture and Thought

MA Gender, Society and Representation

MA Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Studies

MA Translation

MSc Translation and Technology

MA Comparative Business Economics

MA History (SSEES)

MA Central and South-East European Studies

MA Russian and East European Literature and Culture

MA Russian Studies

MA Political Analysis (Russia and Eastern Europe)

MA Political Sociology (Russia and Eastern Europe)

MA Russian and Post-Soviet Politics

MSc Building and Urban Design in Development

MSc Development Administration and Planning

MSc Environment and Sustainable Development

MSc Health in Urban Development

MSc Social Development Practice

MSc Urban Development Planning

MSc Urban Economic Development

MSc Housing and City Planning

MSc Infrastructure Planning, Appraisal and Development

MSc International City Planning

MSc International Real Estate and Planning

MSc Spatial Planning

MSc Sustainable Urbanism

MSc Transport and City Planning

MSc Urban Design and City Planning

MSc Urban Regeneration

MSc Construction Economics and Management

MSc Digital Engineering Management

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