"Why don't you like to be together? Why don't you like to be together?“不喜欢为什么要在一起 喜欢为什么不好好在一起”Everything is good at the beginning, but in the end, it's best not to start.“刚开始什么都好,到最后才发现,不开始才最好”

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Acting too true, but saw through everything, and then left silently.


You can work hard at everything, but you can't like it. No matter how hard you try, it's useless. It's useful to like each other.

什么事情都能努力 但是喜欢不行 再怎么努力都没用 相互喜欢才有用

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You're always worried about losing someone, but who's worried about losing you?

你总是担心失去谁 可谁又担心失去你呢

Why is it so hard to be firmly chosen? Is the reality too cruel or not enough love?



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