
There is a debate on whether students should be allowed to hang curtains around lofted beds in dormitories. Critics argue that these curtains hinder communication and pose fire safety risks. However, supporters see them as essential for maintaining privacy in shared living spaces. Netizens have flooded social media with comments, with the hashtag "many colleges forbid the use of dorm curtains" becoming a trending topic as people have many different opinions on it.


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“可否在学生宿舍安装床帘,可以有一个私密的空间?” 针对这个问题,新疆医科大学相关部门回复称: 学生公寓属于人员密集场所,宿舍里悬挂床帘存在一定消防安全隐患,床帘属易燃品,一旦失火,火势有可能顺着帘布急速蔓延,严重威胁学生的生命财产安全,故学校统一要求不允许在学生宿舍安装床帘。

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“床围通常会将床铺围得严严实实,导致空气流通不畅,容易滋生细菌、螨虫等有害物质,对学生的呼吸系统和皮肤健康构成威胁。 ”

“Dorm curtains, when tightly surrounding the bed, can lead to poor air circulation, creating conditions conducive to the growth of bacteria, dust mites, and other harmful substances. This poses a threat to students' respiratory systems and skin health.”


“Dormitories are not only a place to rest, but also a place for students to build friendship.”


"The presence of bed curtains inadvertently creates 'invisible walls' within dormitories, hindering communication and interaction among students. Some students have noted that the presence of bed curtains reduces communication between roommates, leading to a more impersonal atmosphere in the dormitory. Over time, this sense of isolation may contribute to strained interpersonal relationships and even conflicts within the dormitory."


对于该辅导员对“禁止挂床围”的 解释,网友们提出了许多不同的看法。 有的网友认为将安全隐患归咎于床帘是一种“欲加之罪”。

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Some people dismiss aforementioned explanation as nonsense, arguing that dorm curtains are simply accessories for blocking out light.

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还有的 网友 指出 “床帘其实是隐私问题”,“是在逼仄的宿舍中 对美好生活的需要 ”。

Some netizens pointed out that what matters with dorm curtains is privacy. They believe that privacy reflects a need for well-being in narrow, shared dorms.

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对 于 高校禁 用床 帘你有什么看法,你认同床帘是安全隐患和人际关系的“隐形墙”吗? 在评论区留下你的看法!

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