
Slow House Qingmai Manor is located in the beautiful Yufeng Mountain town, which is not only a treasure land in Yubei District, but also a tourist resort with natural and cultural landscape. Yufeng Mountain itself is a place where history and natural beauty coexist, with the ancient Great Wall and ancient gates built during the reign of Guangxu, which bear witness to a long history. At the same time, ancient religious and cultural sites such as Yongfu Temple and Baoshen Cave have added a strong cultural heritage to the area.

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The manor has cleverly integrated its architectural design into the surrounding natural environment, adopting a wavy architectural design that not only echoes the rolling hills, but is also an organic extension of the natural geology. This design approach makes full use of the existing topographic features, making the building itself seem to be part of the natural landscape, enhancing the natural sense and beauty of the site.

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The manor is a comprehensive pastoral complex project, covering an area of about 280 acres, integrating multiple functions such as new agriculture, pastoral tourism, nature education and lodging. The project offers visitors a chance to get close to nature, while also promoting the integration of agriculture and tourism. The main building of the first phase of the project is a hotel with a total floor area of about 3,500 square meters. The architectural design takes into account the characteristics of the terrain, so in addition to the three-story above-ground building, there is also a suspended layer that cleverly uses the topographic height difference to create a harmonious coexistence between the building and the natural environment.

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The main building's design concept "Wheat Field Waves" cleverly combines the architectural form with the surrounding Yufeng Mountain natural mountain landscape, creating a visual and emotional harmony. By adopting the wave-shaped architectural form, the building itself is like a natural extension, echoing the undulating mountain and conforming to the trend of the mountain. The overall layout shows a zigzagging shape from north to south.

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Great creativity and attention to detail in the design of the rooms, 24 rooms in a total of 6 different room types, three floors of rooms take advantage of the building's "vault space" to create a unique interior layout, several of the second floor rooms located in the wave-shaped slanted panel extension, introduce local plant landscape and lighting design to create a light and shadow effect, Enhance the natural ecological atmosphere of the room.

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The rooms are designed with a free-style layout, which enriches the sense of hierarchy through design elements such as sunken seating steps and stairs, while subtly echoing the natural features of the hilly terrain. It not only increases the dynamic sense of the indoor environment, but also strengthens the connection with the external natural environment. The interior space shows flexibility in the virtual and real changes. The wall adopts the rough texture, combined with the decoration of wood and plants, to continue the rustic mood of the place and the texture of local architecture.

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Project name: Chongqing Yufeng Mountain Slow House • Green wheat Manor

Project address: Yufengshan Town, Yubei District, Chongqing

Building area: 3500 square meters