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点击预 约前沿讲堂【材料科学前沿&数学前沿】 直播


本·费林加(Ben Feringa)



The Art of Building Small from molecular motors to responsive materials

Far beyond Nature's design, the creative power of synthetic chemistry provides unlimited opportunities to realize our own molecular world as we experience every day with products ranging from drugs to displays. Beyond the current frontiers of chemical sciences there is vast uncharted territory to control dynamic function based on molecular and supramolecular approaches. In the art of building small we explore the fascinating field of molecular nanoscience. Among the major challenges ahead in the design of complex artificial molecular systems is the control over dynamic functions and responsive far-from-equilibrium behaviour. A major goal is to gain control over translational and rotary motion. The focus is on my journey in the world of molecular switches and motors creating opportunities for responsive and green and sustainable materials.

Information on http://www.benferinga.com


康斯坦丁·诺沃肖洛夫(Konstantin Novoselov)



Materials for the future

Graphene and 2D materials, despite being relatively fresh materials, have already taken a firm place in research, development and applications. A number of exciting phenomena have been discovered in these crystals and they continue bringing exciting results on a regular basis. However, probably the most important characteristic about 2D materials is that they offer a possibility to form on-demand van der Waals heterostructures, where individual 2D crystals are stacked together, forming a novel, 3D structure, which composition (and thus, their properties) can be controlled with atomic precision. This have opened a new directions of research: materials on demand. The properties of the resulting heterostructure can be designed with very high precision. The space of parameters is so large that the use of machine learning methods becomes essential. Furthermore, since individual components in such heterostructures interact through a number of channels (elastic, van der Waals, electronic, etc.) – a degenerate energy landscape is formed, leading to a number of competing phases, which opens a way to engineer particular phase transitions between different states and, thus, study also the out-of-equilibrium phenomena in such structures.

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克里斯托弗·哈孔(Christopher Hacon)



Symmetries of Algebraic Varieties

Abstract: Algebraic geometry studies geometric objects defined by polynomial equations. We will discuss old and new results concerning symmetries that naturally arise in algebraic geometry


埃菲·杰曼诺夫(Efim Zelmanov)



How algebras grow ?

Abstract: We will discuss up to date results on growth functions of groups, algebras and monoids.



编 辑 | 秣 马

佳 莹

责 编 | 小 文