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2014 world food consumption


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This pie chart shows the shares of total world food consumption held by each of seven different food types in 2014.

Meat is consumed the most, at 31.4 per cent. Fish has the second-highest consumption levels, at 27.9 per cent. Cereals consumption represents 11.7 per cent of the total. Fruits’ share of consumption is 10.6 per cent, followed closely by vegetables at 10.5 per cent, and then bread at 5.5 per cent. The smallest food group in terms of world consumption is rice, at 2.4 per cent.

The graphs show that overall global consumption is widely dispersed among food types; no one type has a majority share. Animal-based foods (meat and fish) do make up the majority of consumption when added together. It is important to note, however, that based on the information in this pie chart no conclusions can be drawn about the dietary diversity of an individual person.

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2014 deaths due to

neurological condition


The pie chart above shows the share of deaths due to a neurological condition accounted for by each of five diseases in 2014.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent of these five neurological conditions, and was responsible for 30.9 percent of the deaths indicated here. Next most common was Multiple sclerosis, which accounted for 24.6 percent of deaths from a neurological condition in 2014.

Parkinson’s disease claimed 21.3 percent of lives lost to neurological conditions. Noticeably less common were Epilepsy and Migraine, which accounted for 14.6 percent of the deaths and 8.5 percent of the deaths respectively.

The only condition that held a share greater than 25 percent of the total deaths was Alzheimer’s disease, although it was responsible for far less than a majority of the deaths tracked here. Multiple sclerosis was just under one quarter. Epilepsy and Migraine combined accounted for less deaths than either Alzheimer’s or Multiple sclerosis.

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billing distribution for the month of August 2015 2015年8月的账单分配

The pie chart above depicts the distribution of total billing between five buildings for the month of August 2015.

Building A accounted for the greatest share of the billing, at 24.3 percent. Next was Building C, with exactly 22 percent of the total. Third, Building E’s share amounted to 20.1 percent. Building B took up 17.2 percent of the billing. The smallest share was that of Building D, at 16.4 percent.

Based on this pie chart, one can see that the billing was distributed relatively evenly between the five buildings. The percentage figures that accompany this visual representation all one to calculate more precisely the difference between the largest and smallest shares of the billing.

Building A, with the greatest share, accounted for 8.9 percentage points more than the building with the smallest share, Building D. The three other buildings’ billing share was clustered in the gap between 24.3 and 16.4 percent.

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daily activity distribution per day


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This pie chart shows the share of time in a day that is generally occupied by each of five activities (these five activities add up to 100 percent). These common activities are sleeping, working, eating, travelling, and relaxing.

By far the greatest portion of the day is consumed by work, at nearly 42 percent. Sleeping occupies the second highest portion of time: exactly one quarter of the day. Travelling accounts for nearly 17 percent of the day’s activity. Eating and relaxing each account for exactly 8.3 percent of daily activity.

In short, work makes up a very large share—although not a majority—of daily activity. At 41.7 percent it takes up more time than the other three waking activities combined, as eating, travelling, and relaxing total only 33.3 percent of daily activity. Added all together, waking activities account for three-fourths of all activity, and sleep accounts for only one-fourth.

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2014 age distribution in Asia


The pie chart above shows the age distribution of the population in Asian countries for 2014.

The population is divided into five age groups: 0 to 14 years, 15 to 24 years, 25 to 54 years, 55 to 64 years, and 65 years and above. People in the 25 to 54 age group make up the largest group, at 35.3 percent of the total population. The 15 to 24 group and 55 to 64 group make follow, with 19.5 percent and 18.4 percent of the population, respectively. 0 to 14 year olds make up 15.6 percent of the population. Those aged 65 years and above hold the smallest share of the population, at 11.2 percent.

In summary, the pie chart shows that working-age adults (including teens 15 and older) made up the vast majority of the Asian population in 2014. Young children and seniors combined add up to just over a quarter of the total population.

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