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(1)“My best decision? You see it, coming to HK was my best decision. I’m from France, Paris. I did an exchange program as a student, stayed 1 year here, 4 years ago, and I fell in love with the city. So after I graduated from my biz school in Paris, I came back. HK is a great city, great people, great weather, compare to Europe, it’s too cold, too rainy. HK is quite different from Paris, I would say people here are more open-minded, more friendly. You have international people here, you meet new people, it’s really good, especially when you are a young person. And for biz, for finance, HK is international hub. I’m doing fashion marketing, even though I work in fashion, HK is also the city where all the decisions are made, where you see everything happens in Asia. Earn more money, and be happy, that’s why I came here.”

(Humans of HK)

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(2)“I grew up in Paris, but actually I’m from South America, French Guiana. I was born there, and at 4 years old, moved to France with my parents. Since you ask me to tell you a special story about me, since you are photographing Humans of Shenzhen, let me show you the photo – My grandfather, my grandfather is Chinese, 我爷爷是中国人. Exactly, he was from Shenzhen, his hometown is one of the villages in Shenzhen. He arrived French Guiana in 1960s, then married a local girl, my grandma. Then my father, then me. I grew up with the Chinese culture as well. My grandfather’s family name is Ho, so I’m Ho, see my ID, my Chinese name is 何进德. When people see my email, then they see me, they’ll ask: ’Oh, you are not Chinese! Then why do you have a Chinese name? Very chinese name?!’”

(Humans of HK)

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(3/3)“This is my brother, if I don’t tell you, can you tell who is older, who is younger? can you tell we have ¼ Chinese blood?”

(Humans of HK)
