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作为英国皇家航空学会的年度国际未来空中交通行业盛会,英国皇家航空学会总会会长David Edwards、中国航空学会理事长林左鸣、英国驻沪执行总领事Andrew McAllister、英国科研与创新署中国区主任Daniel Brooker、罗尔斯-罗伊斯中国区总裁Julian MacCormac、中国商飞科技委常委李东升等嘉宾出席了论坛的开幕式。除了包括空客、波音、罗尔斯罗伊斯、中国商飞等航空巨头企业外,来自德国、英国、巴西和日本的未来空中交通行业头部企业也参与其中。


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论坛上,电力电子、电机驱动研究团队核心成员、宁波诺丁汉大学科研与知识交流副校长Giampaolo Buticchi教授受邀做了题为《飞机电气化推进可持续和高效航空》的主题演讲,分享了团队在航空电气化领域所取得的研究成果。

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UNNC powered the future development of advanced air mobility

On 28-29 August 2023, Advanced Air Mobility International Conference (AAMIC), organised by the Royal Aeronautical Society China Representative Office, co-organised by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and Beihang University (BHU), was successfully held in Ningbo.

This annual event provided an international cooperation and exchange platform for experts, scholars, researchers and industries in the field of aerospace at home and abroad. David Edwards, FRAeS, Chief Executive Royal Aeronautical Society, Zuoming Lin, Chairman of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Andrew McAllister, Consul General of the British Consulate-General Shanghai, Daniel Brooker, Director of UK Research and Innovation China, Julian MacCormac, CEO of Rolls-Royce China Holding Ltd., and Dongsheng Li, FRAeS, Chief Engineer of Composites, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) attended the opening ceremony of the conference. Besides, many aviation giants such as Airbus, Boeing, COMAC and top enterprises in the advanced air mobility areas also participated in the conference.

Professor Giampaolo Buticchi, FRAeS, UNNC Interim Vice Provost for Research and Knowledge Exchange, also a core member of the UNNC Power Electronics, Machines and Control (PEMC) Research Group was invited to deliver a keynote speech titled “Aircraft Electrification for Sustainable and Efficient Aviation”, sharing the research outputs in the field of aviation electrification.

In the panel, Dr Bowen Shi, CEO of NOEE, also an alumnus of UNNC, shared his experience demonstrate how Chinese suppliers enable the future development of advanced air mobility industrialization. After completing undergraduate study at UNNC, Bowen continued his doctoral research with the leading supervision from Professor He Zhang, FRAeS. Dr Bowen Shi and his team decided to utilise their technical advantages to optimise electronic drive systems for drone and discovered their own pathway in the application of FOC technology.

In this conference, Dr Shi officially launched its first manned new energy aircraft electric drive product, the Maya120 motor and supporting controller. The Maya120 motor and supporting controller offer ultra-high power density and a high level of fault tolerance and reliability, with a maximum continuous power stable of 120kW and a peak power of 200kW, and a mass of only 35kg. This has a huge development in the field of aviation power in the future, and also adds vitality into the global green aviation market.

NOEE is one of the spin-out companies that was incubated by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. The PEMC research group is one of the largest and highly recognised research teams in the field of Electrical Engineering. In the recent years, it made many achievements and participated in a number of avionics electric drive system projects, such as a high-power rating DC Starter/Generator system for aeroplane engines with improved efficiency and reduced weight, and “green taxiing” high-efficiency drive system. A number of scientific research achievements have been completed or are close to industrialization, collaborated with Siemens, COMAC, Cummins, AVIC, etc.

As Professor Tao Wu, UNNC Vice Provost for China Beacons Institute, and Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, said in the opening ceremony, “UNNC collaborated with multiple institutes, and is deeply involved in the research in the field of future air mobility. Relying on our international resources and disciplinary advantages, we will continue to focus on the aerospace field, and together create better life.”

图文来源 | FoSE






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