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She wandered through the woods for a while before she found a lake. 她在找到湖泊之前在树林里漫步了一会儿。

The story started out good, but then it wandered off into a confusing mess. 这个故事开始很好,但后来却偏离了主题,变成了一团糟。

He was so bored that his mind began to wander into thoughts of lunch. 他无聊得要命,所以他的思绪开始飘向午餐的想法。

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He enjoyed his life of wandering and adventure. 他喜欢他的漫游和冒险的生活。

She had a restless wandering spirit. 她有一颗不安分的漂泊之心。


I wonder what will happen at the party this weekend. 我想知道这个周末的派对会发生什么。

They wondered at the amazing acrobatics of the circus performers. 他们对马戏团表演者的惊人杂技感到惊讶。

I wonder if Oscar can really speak Spanish like he claims. 我怀疑奥斯卡是否真的能像他说的那样说西班牙语。

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The collection was filled with wonders from around the world. 这个收藏品充满了来自世界各地的奇迹。

The magician was able to perform such wonders as turning dirt into gold. 魔术师能够表演出如把泥土变成黄金等奇迹。

We were filled with wonder as we watched the firework show. 我们在观看烟花表演时充满了惊奇。

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1. He likes to _______ around the city and explore new places. 他喜欢在城市里四处走走,探索新地方。

2. She _______ed if he would ever call her back. 她想知道他是否会再给她打电话。

3. They were _______ing at the beauty of the night sky. 他们对夜空的美丽感到惊讶。

4. He had a _______ful time at the amusement park. 他在游乐园度过了一段美妙的时光。

5. She was lost in her _______ings and didn’t hear the doorbell. 她陷入了沉思,没有听到门铃。

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1. He likes to wander around the city and explore new places. 他喜欢在城市里四处走走,探索新地方。

2. She wondered if he would ever call her back. 她想知道他是否会再给她打电话。

3. They were wondering at the beauty of the night sky. 他们对夜空的美丽感到惊讶。

4. He had a wonderful time at the amusement park. 他在游乐园度过了一段美妙的时光。

5. She was lost in her wanderings and didn’t hear the doorbell. 她陷入了沉思,没有听到门铃。