「2023纽约IYAC TOP国际插画展」
2023 IYAC TOP International Illustration Exhibition, New York
回顾过去,IYAC 已经成为全球插画艺术交流的重要平台。而展望未来,我们有理由相信,IYAC TOP国际插画赛将继续为全球插画艺术的发展注入新的动力,为描绘更加多彩世界的插画艺术家提供更多展示的机会。Looking back, IYAC has become an important platform for global illustration art exchange. Looking ahead, we have reason to believe that the IYAC TOP International Illustration Competition will continue to inject new impetus into the development of global illustration art and provide more opportunities for illustration artists to depict a more colorful world.
在这场插画艺术的盛宴中,每一位参赛者都是最闪耀的明星。无论成败,他们的作品都是对创意与艺术的最好诠释。让我们一起期待这场比赛的最终成果,见证插画艺术的魅力!In this illustration art feast, each contestant is the most shining star. Whether they succeed or fail, their work is the best interpretation of creativity and art. Let's look forward to the final result of this competition and witness the charm of illustration art!
让我们期待2023纽约IYAC TOP国际插画赛的精彩呈现,期待更多优秀的插画作品和青少年儿童插画艺术家的出现。Let's look forward to the wonderful presentation of the 2023 IYAC TOP International Illustration Competition in New York, and look forward to more excellent illustration works and the emergence of young children's illustration artists.
根据权威专家组所制定的IYAC自主知识产权全新评审标准,11个国家21位国际评委专家评委会遵循国际(USPAP)标准,在这里向大家分享本次复赛部分作品。一起来先睹为快吧!According to the new IYAC independent intellectual property evaluation standards formulated by the authoritative expert group,21 international judges from 11 countries follow International (USPAP) standards,Here to share with you some of the semifinal works.Let's have a sneak peek!
Professional group专业组
Title of work|HAYAAuthor|Menghan Li(中国)Institution|Geng Dan College, Beijing University of Technology▼
Introduction of works :Haya is an elf living in the boundary between the human world and the mysterious nature. after an adventure,she accidentally discovers a mysterious biological map. As a biologist, she chooses to embark on a journey with her partners to find the legendary creatures.
Title of work|梦幻科技《期盼着飞翔》Author|王偌茵 (中国)▼
作品介绍: 拥有翅膀却无法飞翔的天使,在虚拟现实中期盼着实现梦想。Introduction of works:An angel who has wings but cannot fly looks forward to fulfilling his dream in virtual reality.
High school group
Title of work|UltimatelyAuthor|Jinyi Huang (美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
作品介绍: 这是3000年,随着整个太阳系的先进技术,很多事情都发生了变化。在这段时间里,人们缺乏对政府进行报复的力量,政府利用一个单一的主板来控制已经没有生命的人类。人有呼吸的身体,但也有死亡的意识。他们按吩咐去做,每个人都一样。没有人比一个人更聪明。每个人都有同样的想法在他们的头脑中回响不断。随着时间的推移,曾经由人类发明的技术已经失去了他们的控制,现在正在慢慢地消失一步一步地撕裂世界。Introduction of works :It’s the year 3000 and a lot has changed with advancing technology across the solar system. During this time, people lack the power to retaliate against the government who utilizes one singular motherboard to control the already lifeless humans. The people have a breathing body but it also contains a dead consciousness. They do as they’re told, and everyone is the same. No one’s smarter than one. Everyone has equal thoughts that reverberate inside their headcontinuously. Through the course of time, the technology that was once invented by humans has gone out of their control, and is now slowlytearing the world apart one step at a time.
Title of work|City MoodAuthor|EDDY SHEN(中国)Institution|Basis International School Shenzhen▼
作品介绍 我希望观众能够深入思考城市发展与人的情感之间的关系。城市的转型带来繁荣的同时,也会带来不适和压力。人的情感是城市不可分割的一部分,城市的发展也会影响人的情感。Introduction of works I hope the audience can deeply contemplate the relationship between urban development and people's emotions. While the transformation of a city brings prosperity, it can also cause discomfort and stress. People's emotions are an integral part of the city, and the development of the city can also influence their emotions.
Title of work|cyberpunk/dream/science fiction 梦幻与科学Author|Wang xin(中国)Institution|Shenzhen Middle School▼
作品介绍 :关于梦,闯入我的月光。银河背后是蓝色的极光,眩晕的梦最终会爆炸成烟花的歌声。Introduction of works:About dreams,breaking into my moonlight .Backed to the Milky Way is the blue aurora,and the dizzy dream will eventually explode into a song of fireworks.
Junior High school group初中组
Title of work|Deep Sea FantacyAuthor|Agnes Yang(加拿大)Institution|Pickering College▼
作品介绍 :我们几乎不知道,在海底的某个地方,越深,我们就能找到越多迷人的生物。这些生物以其惊人的美丽继续让人类惊叹。Introduction of works:Little do we know, somewhere underneath the sea, the deeper it get, the more fascinating creatures we are able to find.These creatures continue to amaze humanity with their stunning beauty.
Title of work|奥格拉姆Author|刘君睿(中国)Institution|游馨画房Tutor|润莲老师▼
Title of work|Dimensional TravelAuthor|Kylee Guo(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
作品介绍:这件作品名为“维度旅行”,是用丙烯酸颜料制作的。我对这项工作的想法是锦鲤可以在世界之间旅行,寻找一个安全的避风港,一起游泳。锦鲤在中心游来游去,憧憬着它们的理想家园。这些裂缝代表着他们冲破了世界之间的屏障,找到了属于他们的地方。Introduction of works :This piece is titled Dimensional Travel and was made using acrylic paints. My thoughts for this work were that the koi fish could travel between worlds on a quest to find a safe haven to swim together. The spirit koi fish swim around the center, a vision of their ideal home. The cracks represent them breaking through the barrier between worlds to find a place where they belong.
Title of work|最后的绿色Author|Carol Yang(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
作品介绍 :它是 2 种不规则物种,乘坐一辆由大自然制成的汽车飞向另一个世界。Introduction of works:It is 2 irregular species that fly to another world in a car made of nature.
Title of work|Parallel worldAuthor|Uliana(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
作品介绍:天空中的城市和地面上的城市是平行的世界,云模糊了两者的边界。城市是相反的,因为地面上的城市是简单而灰暗的,而天空中的城市是明亮而明亮的。Introduction of works:The city in the sky and the city on the ground are parallel world where the cloud blur the border between the two .the cities are opposites ,sine the one on the ground is simple and gray ,while the one in the sky is bright and .
Title of work|四季交替Author|邓子仪(中国)▼
作品介绍 :代表着四季的颜色相互碰撞,各个季节的产物相争夺目。Introduction of works :The colors that represent the four seasons collide with each other, and the products of each season compete for sight.
Primary High school group
Title of work|Rainbow-coloured UtopiaAuthor|Yunxi Zheng(中国)Institution|Rainbow Art Lab▼
Introduction of works:My artwork aims to convey a parallel symbiotic environment where everything is beautiful and harmonious. I have depicted elements such as creatures, architecture, and the universe that I personally admire in my artwork, hoping that this harmonious balance can endure. As for the colors, I have chosen natural hues inspired by the colors of the rainbow, symbolizing the beauty of the beginning of all things.
Title of work|Spring, Summer, Autumn and WinterAuthor|Zhile Zhu(中国)Institution|Zhongshan Huachen Experimental Primary SchoolTutor|王老师▼
作品介绍: 这四幅画采用了对比色。春天发芽了,贫瘠的土地长出嫩绿的嫩芽;夏天是被热浪烤焦的豆荚的爆裂形式,拿夏天的炎热和生命的清新作比较;秋天,蒲公英撒播着自己的种子,炫耀着自己的生命力。繁荣过后的黯淡;冬天热闹的年终庆祝活动与寒冷的冬天相映成趣,带出人们温暖的心。Introduction of works:The 4 drawings adopt contrasting colors.With germinated sprouts in spring, the barren land bursts out tendergreen shoots;Summer is the bursting form of pods scorched by heat waves, with comparing the heat of summer and the freshness of life;In autumn, dandelions scatter their seeds, showing off their vitality. The bleakness after the prosperity shows up;The lively year-end celebration in winter complements the cold winter, bringing out the warm hearts of people.
Title of work|一碗汤圆浴Author|戴亦菲(中国)Institution|游馨画房Tutor|润莲老师▼
Title of work|朋克龙Author|谭欣玥(中国)Institution|游馨画房Tutor|润莲老师▼
Title of work|“流浪者号”机甲Author|谢俊贤(中国)Institution|游馨画房Tutor|润莲老师▼
Title of work|四季长城Author|Chole(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
Introduction of works :Each season has a different beauty, the Great Wall is unchanged, the change of the seasons, are the same beauty.
Title of work|MultiverseAuthor|Emmi Summer Leonard(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
Introduction of works:I want to show the human world and nature spinning swirling in parallel universe but all come together eventually in my eyes.
Title of work|平行城市Author|Luofei Chao(美国)Institution|Mandy centerTutor|Feng Chen▼
作品介绍 在遥远的未来一颗不知名的星球有水上屋子还有倒挂的大楼,里面住着可爱的小外星人。
Introduction of works On an unknown planet in the distant future there are water houses and upside-down buildings where cute little aliens live.
About IYAC
IYAC拥有强大的学术背景支持,是由美國紐約當代藝術中心(Contemporery Art Center of New York)、美國亞洲美術家協會(Asia Artists Association of USA)、新加坡青少年與兒童教育協會(Singapore Youth Children Education Assoclation)、(社)京都中國書畫院(Kyoto Chinese Painting And Calligraphy Academy)、日本京都國際交流會館(Kyoto International Conference Center)、美國華仁協會青少年藝術中心(CAFC Youth Art Center)、俄羅斯聖彼得堡美術中心(St. Petersburg Arts Center Russia)、日本中華文學藝術家合會(Japan Chinese Literature and Artists Federation)、日本南風水墨畫(Japan South Wind Ink Painting Association)、日本東京醉墨會(Tokyo Drunken Ink Association)、日本国際交流會館(Japan International Cultural Exchange Assoclation)、日本廣島国際書芸交流會(Japan-Hiroshima International Calligraphy and Art Exchange Association)、日本東京水墨画墨蘭會(Tokyo Ink Painting Inkan Society)等机构联合主办的高级别年度艺术插画赛事。
官网 www.iyac.art
邮箱 iyac2023@gmail.com
IYAC组委会中国区办事处 0571-86521900