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这是 一直夫妇 的第 633 篇文章

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前几天,杨紫琼作为 2023 年奥斯卡最佳女主角获得者,受邀参加哈佛大学法学院的毕业典礼并演讲。结合她的人生经验,她给出了三条建议:一是 stay loose「保持放松心态」,二是 know your limits「知道自己的局限性」,三是 find your people「找到助力」。整篇演讲串联了她过往的经历,所以十几分钟的演讲不会令你觉得乏味。而且所用的词汇不难,建议大家先自己盲听一遍,再看我给出的讲义。

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杨紫琼哈佛演讲:三条人生小建议 | TED 精听


Unfortunately, life had other plans. I suffered a spinal injury. And just like that, I watched everything vanish into thin air. Life, as I knew it, was over. With my dreams of dance crushed, I credit the principal of my school for giving me the encouragement that ultimately led me to a career beyond my imagination. It was she who encouraged me to stay loose about my future. When falling, the tendency is to tighten up to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm — even curious — about the shifting world around you.


spinal injuries

spinal 这个形容词派生自 spine「脊椎,脊柱」,所以 spinal injuries 意思是「脊椎损伤」。

credit sb for doing sth

四级词汇 + 考研词汇

这个词我们之前有在《写作专题》中讲过哈,作动词时,常会构成词组 credit A with B; credit B to A,表示「认为 B 是 A 的功劳;把 B 归于 A」。原文用到的搭配是 credit sb for doing sth,意思不变。 credit the principal of my school for giving me the encouragement 意思是说,杨紫琼把给与她鼓励这件事归功于她的校长,但这样表达比较啰嗦,所以我没有采取这样的翻译方式,而是直接省去,处理成「是学校的校长给予我鼓励」,因为汉语这个句式暗含了对校长的感激之意。

She credited the young man for inventing the intelligent robot.


brace for sth

六级词汇 + 考研词汇

brace 的本义是「支架」。《唐顿庄园》中 Bates 因为腿瘸受到其他人的歧视,于是想安装支架 brace,把腿掰直。这种非科学的方式没有帮到他,反而给身体带来了巨大痛苦,最后他接受了自己残疾的事实。另外,braces 还用来指整牙时需要戴的「牙箍」。不管是支架,还是牙箍,作用都是给某个部位以支撑。所以 brace for sth 常用来表示「做好准备」,原文 brace for impact 的意思便是「应对冲击」。

不过需要提醒大家的是,更常用的是 brace oneself for sth,或者 be braced for sth。下面我们来看今年一月《经济学人》有关国外港口瘫痪的一篇文章。

It is all the more tricky when unions want a share of recent profits, while the shippers are braced for coming losses.


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As a young woman trying to break into a film in Hong Kong, I was confronted with limitations at every turn, initially cast in stereotypical roles, the demure, docile damsel in distress. I soon realized that what I wanted to play were the action roles. The heroes of these were then reserved exclusively for men. But I could see that the Alfred sequences were highly choreographed. And I knew in my bones that my dance training would allow me to excel at them if only I were given the chance.


at every turn

这是一个固定短语,意思是 happening again and again, especially in an annoying way「总是,处处」。所以「处处存在的问题」我们可以这样表达:problems at every turn,要是想更高大上一点,还可以说 problems that presented themselves at every turn。

Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff.



六级词汇 + 考研词汇

这个形容词派生自名词 stereotype,它就是大家在努力抵制的「刻板印象,陈规定型的观念等」。所以「性别刻板印象」是 gender stereotype,「文化刻板印象」就是 cultural stereotype。

He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.



这个词主要用来描述女性,尤其是旧时女子,意思是 quiet and serious「娴静的,庄重的」。不过,偶尔也可以用来形容其他性别。比如,今年三月《经济学人》巴托比专栏的一篇文章中用它来形容创业公司老板,形容男性像女子一样娴静,这时候 demure 暗含打趣的意味,但这种打趣也暗含了对女性的刻板印象。

Startup bosses who proudly moved fast and broke things are now falling over themselves to look demure.



原本指动物 quiet and easily controlled「驯服的,温顺的」,后也用来形容人「听话的」,比如,a docile child「听话的孩子」。2020 年《经济学人》曾这样写道:

It carries new notions of law, time and discipline, and creates new kinds of people: commercial farmers, docile workers, methodical managers.


a damsel in distress /ˈdæmzəl/

这个整体是一个固定搭配,用来指需要帮助的年轻女子。如果用现在的流行语来翻译,那么 a damsel in distress 正是偶像剧常见的那类幼小、可怜、无助的「小白花」。


四级词汇 + 考研词汇

exclusively 这个副词不简单哈,两次入选,一次是正确答案,一次是干扰项。这个单词派生自动词 exclude,和 include 意思恰恰相反,表示「排除」。所以 exclusively 用来表示「仅仅,专门地」。比如之前有很多领域排斥女性,只允许男性从事相关工作,这些领域被称为 exclusively male domains「男性专属领域」。下面我们来看 2018 年 12 月四级完形填空的一句话。

But the problem is not limited exclusively to the developing world.


choreograph /ˈkɒriəɡrɑːf/

这个动词使用频率较低,大家简单了解即可,用来表示 to arrange how dancers should move during a performance「给······编舞」,或「给······设计动作」。2022 年 12 月六级的段落匹配有出现过,不过出题老师配上了中文。

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know (it) in one's bones

这个表达也是一个固定搭配,表示 to be certain that something is true for no reason,莫名「相信或预感某事为真」,尽管你也不知道为什么会这么确信。应该有很多人都有过类似的感觉吧?这里的 know 也可以换成 feel。

She knew that something good was sure to happen; she could feel it in her bones.



This was a movie made entirely with love that was in many ways, the culmination of my life's work. And the reverberations of that love continue to be felt, as Everything Everywhere All At Once has caused a tectonic shift in the industry, opening the door to more independent efforts and greater Asian representation. When I think of a glorious leap into an unknown void, I think of that movie. So class of 2023, this is my offering to you. Today you graduate, and today you leap, stay loose, be smart, and go with love, and then leap, and then leap again and leap again. I look forward to living in the world. You'll all help build. And I am honored to have been one small voice at the beginning of your journey. Thank you all. And I wish you every success.

译文:这是一部完全用爱制作的电影,在许多方面,这可以称作我一生的巅峰之作。我们能持续感受到这种爱所产生的深远影响,因为《瞬息全宇宙》给整个电影行业带来了巨大转变,为更多独立拼搏的人们和代表亚洲的更佳作品打开了大门。当我想纵身跃进一片未知的空白时,我不由想起那部电影。在座的 2023 届毕业生们,这是我给你们的礼物。今天你们是毕业的一天,开始跃进的一天,保持放松,保持睿智,与爱同行,然后飞跃,再次飞跃,再再次飞跃。期待生活在大家协力共建的这个世界中。而我很荣幸能成为你们旅程开始时那个微小的声音。感谢你们所有人,祝愿你们前程万里。


六级词汇 + 考研词汇

culmination 用来表示 the highest point or end of sth, usually happening after a long time「顶点;巅峰;终点」。我们来看一个《经济学人》例句。

But the new era of economics reflects the culmination of long-term trends.


对应的动词是 culminate,经常会构成短语 culminate in / with sth,表示「以某种结果告终;在某一点结束」。

A series of events for teachers and students will culminate in a Shakespeare festival next year.


reverberation /rɪˌvɜːbəˈreɪʃən/

这个名词派生自动词 reverberate,起初用来表示声音「回响;回荡」,相当于 echo,后来词义扩大化,也指事件、活动或思想等「产生广泛而长久的影响」,所以 reverberation 也分别有「回声」和「深远影响」两个词义。

Repercussions of the case continue to reverberate through the financial world.


cause a tectonic shift in sth


tectonic 的本义是 connected with the structure of the earth's surface「地壳构造的」,地壳变化往往会带来重大影响,所以它的衍生义是 having a large and important effect「有重大影响的」,但却比 large 或者 important 更为生动,冲击力更强。演讲中的这个短语 cause a tectonic shift in sth 则用来表示「在某处产生了重大变化」。



