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5月22日,神舟十六号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十六运载火箭组合体准备转往发射场。新华社发(汪江波 摄)

The combination of the Shenzhou-16 crewed spaceship and a Long March-2F carrier rocket was transferred to the launching area on Monday, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said. The facilities and equipment at the launch site are in good condition, and various pre-launch function checks and joint tests will be carried out as planned, said the CMSA. The spaceship will be launched in the near future at an appropriate time.



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5月22日,神舟十六号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十六运载火箭组合体转运至发射塔架。新华社发(汪江波 摄)

This is the first manned mission for China's Tiangong Space Station since it entered its operational phase. As to their condition, Liu Haibo, the deputy chief engineer of the launch support system for the Long March-2F carrier rocket, said that before transportation, four general inspections were run successively, and it was confirmed that the state of the rocket was very good.


The Shenzhou-16 mission to be conducted in the coming days will see three taikonauts enter the Tiangong Space Station, swapping places with the three Shenzhou-15 taikonauts currently in low earth orbit.

来源:新华网 央视新闻