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国际货代英语试卷 (A卷)


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1. The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of the consignor normally does not include(A )when the consignor has made a sales contract with the buyer under the FOB term.

A.arranging cargo insurance for sea carriage

B.delivering of the goods to the carrier

C.arranging export customs clearance

D.packing the goods


2. According to UCP600,if the L/C stipulates that shipment date is “on or about May 15, 2018,” the goods can be shipped ( C ).

A.from the 1st to the 30th of May

B.from the 15th to the 30th of May

C.from the 10th to the 20th of May

D.from the 1st to the 15th of May


3. All Risks in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses does not cover the risks of ( C ).

A.heavy weather



D.hook damage

【解析:All Risks叫做一切险,它的责任范围是除包括上列平安险和水渍险的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物在运输途中由于一般外来风险所致的全部或者部分损失。而货物的固有缺陷,或者因为战争罢工产生的损失不再其承保范围内。】

4. Ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into tramp rates and ( A ).

A.liner freight rates

B.land freight rates

C.rail freight rates

D.air freight rates

【解析:海运价格广义可以区分为不定期船运价(tramp rates)和固定班轮运价(liner freight rates)。】

5. The bill of lading serves as a document of title enabling the goods to be transferred from the shipper to the consignee or any other party by endorsement. The (C ) can not be transferred to the third parties by endorsement.

A.shipped B/L

B.clean B/L

C.straight B/L

D.order B/L

【解析:此题考的是提单的种类,shipped B/L是指已装船提单,clean B/L是指清洁提单,stratght B/L是指记名提单,order B/L是指指示提单。其中记名提单指定收货人提取货物的提单,不得转让。】