2023年5月4日,菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆、厦门众海祥瑞文化产业有限公司、厦门中华儿女美术馆共同举办了何奕央先生“六年中的十二个月:一位菲律宾人在中国六年的摄影日记”个人摄影展开幕式。(04 May 2023- The Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen, in cooperation with Xiamen Zhonghai Xiangrui Culture Co., Ltd. and the Art Museum of China Profiles Xiamen, held the Opening Ceremony of the solo photo exhibit titled “Six Years in 12 Months: A Filipino’s Photo Diary of 6 Years in China,” featuring Filipino photographer, Mr. Ianne Mher Hernandez.)

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菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆总领事欧莉娜在发言中强调了大量的菲律宾海外劳工和菲律宾侨民以及他们对环境的适应力,其中也包括何奕央先生。(During her remarks, Philippine Consul General Maria Antonina Mendoza-Oblena highlighted the great number of Overseas Filipino Workers and Filipino diaspora and their ability to adapt to their adopted land, to which the featured photographer, Mr. Hernandez was no exception.)

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何奕央先生还解释了摄影展的主题,称展出的照片是从他和家人在中国生活的六年时间里拍摄的数千张照片中挑选出来的。他用一年中的12个月(从1月到12月)突出了12张主要照片。展览还设有一个照片墙,并展出了其他在厦菲律宾摄影师的照片。(Mr. Hernandez also explained the theme of the photo exhibit, stating that the photos shown were chosen from thousands of photos he took in a span of six years—the time he and his family stayed in China. He highlighted 12 major photos using the 12 months of the year, from January to December. The exhibit also features a photo wall as well as a digital exhibition of photos from other talented Filipino photographers based in Xiamen.)

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厦门市外办副主任姚建洪、市外办领事处一级调研员曾金吉,厦门中华儿女美术馆馆长李亿敏、副馆长姜纪建,厦门众海祥瑞文化产业有限公司陈素素,以及德高望重的艺术家、资深美术教师丁朝安等出席了开幕式。厦门市文旅局叶细致也参观了此次展览,并对何奕央先生捕捉到中国美丽的风景和充满活力的文化表示感谢。出席展览的还有菲律宾协会成员、中外艺术家朋友及菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆人员。(In attendance during the Opening Ceremony were Deputy Director General Yao Jianhong and Director Zeng Jinji of the Xiamen Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Li Yimin and Mr. Jiang Jijian, Curator and Deputy Curator, respectively, of the Art Museum of China Profiles, Xiamen, Ms. Chen Susu of Xiamen Zhonghai Xiangrui Culture Co., Ltd., and Mr. Ding Chaoan, a respected artist and veteran art teacher. Mr. YeXizhi of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism also visited the art exhibit and expressed his thanks to Mr. Hernandez for capturing the beautiful sceneries and vibrant culture of China. Also in attendance were respected members of the Filipino Community as well as Chinese and other foreign friends of the artist and the Philippine Consulate General. )

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该展览目前在厦门市思明区大学路沙坡尾66号厦门中华儿女美术馆展出,将持续至2023年5月14日。(The exhibit, currently housed at the Art Museum of China Profiles in Xiamen located at #66 Shapowei, Daxue Road, Siming District, Xiamen, will run until 14 May 2023.)

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文:海峡导报记者/陈金龙 通讯员/冯敏
