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1. 先盲读一遍,凭自己的理解力去串联故事情节,同时脑海中构建一个故事的画面感。这个过程中,有生词可以凭借语境去推测单词的词性、词义实在推不出来的也不要为难白己,查一下词典,继续前进。(P1)

2. 结合中文译文再读一遍,同时复核哪些地方是第一遍读时,自己理解有偏差的地方注意荧光的单词是需掌握的重点词汇哦。(P2)

3. 需要背诵掌握的单词,我整理在了下一页。分成结构规整的两列,方便你自测掌握程度。你可以盖住英文,看着汉语默写出英文;反之亦然。(P3)

4. 如果在阅读过程中,有一些句子的结构搞不懂,可以去末页(P4),我挑了一些长难句,对结构和其中的短语、用法做了说明。没有解析的句子,基本都是本本分分的五大基本句型的样子,从前往后顺着翻译就好了。

5. 经过前面四步阅读的一顿搞,相信有些单词已经被你机智的小脑袋给拿下了吧(恭喜),再努力个十几分钟,估计这盘菜就是你的啦。


Here comes a bear 1

“Today is such an unlucky day,”I say to myself. Frosty and I have seen none like it. Am I awake or am I dreaming? But I know it's all real.

"Unlucky?" says Frosty,"here's the strange part: I heard the name —— Mr. Gamer —— again when we were inside the restaurant. Who is Mr. Gamer? Does he have anything to do with the accidents?"

I can't describe my feelings now; the horror suddenly hits me!

Frosty keeps her cool. She says,"We had better go home now on foot instead of by bus or something else. I don't want anything to happen to the bus."

I quickly take out my mobile phone and turn on an online map. It easily finds our position. It's 1 P.M. Following the online map, we leave the square, go along Hotel Street, pass through some street turnings and walk several blocks.




“Today is such an unlucky day,”I say to myself. Frosty and I have seen none like it. Am I awake or am I dreaming? But I know it's all real.


"Unlucky?" says Frosty,"here's the strange part: I heard the name —— Mr. Gamer —— again when we were inside the restaurant. Who is Mr. Gamer? Does he have anything to do with the accidents?"


I can't describe my feelings now; the horror suddenly hits me!


Frosty keeps her cool. She says,"We had better go home now on foot instead of by bus or something else. I don't want anything to happen to the bus."


I quickly take out my mobile phone and turn on an online map. It easily finds our position. It's 1 P.M. Following the online map, we leave the square, go along Hotel Street, pass through some street turnings and walk several blocks.




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