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UNNC Professor in Health Economics promotes academic exchanges on disease control and provides advice for global public health.




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上个月,在他主持的一场中美疾控专家之间的线上论坛——“中美2050:预防大流行病”上,中国疾控中心前主任高福博士、美国疾控中心前主任Thomas R. Frieden和Jeffrey P. Koplan博士、北京大学中国卫生经济研究中心主任及卫健委新冠肺炎专家组成员刘国恩教授等人均出席,交流了中美两国在新冠疫情防控方面的经验。







2018年,他邀请两位美国著名健康经济学家Michael Grossman 博士(美国医学科学院院士,美国国家经济研究局健康经济学组前主任)及David Meltzer 博士(美国医学科学院院士,芝加哥大学医学院教授)与多位中外知名健康经济学者来宁诺演讲,帮助宁诺学者学子与中外高校的教授牵线搭桥。




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UNNC Professor in Health Economics promotes academic exchanges on disease control and provides advice for global public health

Recently, Professor Zhuo (Adam) Chen, Visiting Professor of Health Economics at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and Co-Director of the Centre for Health Economics of Nottingham China Health Institute, shared his comments on China's pandemic prevention and control measures during his interview with Nature news, affirming that the adjustment of pandemic policies is the right direction.

According to Professor Chen, adjusting the country's policies according to the actual situation of the pandemic will help to balance the allocation of medical resources for Covid-19 and noncommunicable diseases, and to maintain the balance between economic development and pandemic prevention. It is essential for a country to pay more attention to vulnerable groups and strengthen the capacity of the healthcare system to cope with pandemic peaks. Furthermore, he also suggests that the country should continue to monitor the evolution of virus variants in order to prevent and prepare for possible future outbreaks.

Having served in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for over ten years, Professor Chen has a plethora of experience in the public health systems of both China and the United States. Last month, in a webinar entitled “US-China 2050-Preventing a Devastating Pandemic”, for which Professor Chen was the organizer and moderator, Thomas R. Frieden, former Director, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jeffrey P. Koplan, former Director, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Guoen Liu, Dean, PKU Institute for Global Health and Development, Dr. Zhijie Zheng, Director of China Country Office, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation discussed what they have learned from dealing with COVID-19 and shared their vision for preventing future pandemics.

As a prominent scholar, Professor Chen has a strong record in health economics and policy research with more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed top field journals. He received the 2013 US CDC Excellence in Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Award. In 2021, Professor Chen has published an article in The Lancet entitled “US-China Health Exchange and Collaboration following COVID-19”. In 2022, his investigation of cigarette smoking among Chinese adolescents was published in The Lancet -Regional Health, Western Pacifics.

Backed by his extensive scientific research influence, Professor Chen has always committed himself to the development of health economics at UNNC and in China, and promoting public health research and practice in China. In 2018, he invited two renowned American health economists, Dr Michael Grossman and Dr David Meltzer, as well as many other well-known Chinese and foreign health economists to visit UNNC, helping UNNC faculty members and students connect with scholars in Chinese and foreign universities.

Under Professor Chen’s leadership, the Centre for Health Economics of Nottingham China Health Institute has worked with local health institutions such as Ningbo First Hospital and Ningbo Centre for Disease Control to conduct research in various aspects, including health education and telemedicine. His research maintains a close relationship with Chinese public health networks and medical schools, as well as the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Currently, the Centre for Health Economics is working with SmartSteps on a project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The project aims to use big data generated by mobile phones to develop different levels of medical service prediction models.

During the pandemic, Professor Chen has been interviewed by national and global media, including CGTN, Global Times, 21st Century Business Herald, Caixin, Nature, and The Wall Street Journal to raise public awareness and provide expert comments. In the interviews, he proposed to strengthen public health investment and capacity building, to coordinate medical and public health systems, and to promote continuous exchange in public health between China and foreign countries, which has received wide attention.

图文来源 | FHSS, Chuchu Lou






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