据路透社援引英国《金融时报》报道,脸书母公司Meta正准备公布是否恢复美国前总统特朗普 (Donald Trump) 的Facebook和Instagram账号。

Facebook owner Meta Inc is preparing to announce whether it will allow former US President Donald Trump back on to Facebook and Instagram, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.


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Meta has set up a working group to focus on the matter, according to people with knowledge of its operations, the report said, adding that the group includes staffers from the public policy and communications teams, as well as from the content policy team.

据悉,2022年11月,另一社交媒体巨头推特新老板马斯克 (Elon Musk) 根据网上民调结果,宣布撤销了对特朗普账号的永久禁令。


但特朗普表示,他已没兴趣重返推特。目前, 特朗普在恢复账号后并未在推特上发帖,而是继续使用自己的社交媒体平台Truth Social。


Trump was banned from Meta’s platforms Facebook and Instagram after the attack on the US Capitol in January 2021. Initially, the ban was indefinite, but that was later revised, and the company said it would consider allowing Trump back on the platforms after two years. Those two years elapse on Saturday, January 7, 2023.

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2021年1月6日美国国会大厦暴乱事件照片 图源:Wikimedia Commons

据美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN)报道称,Meta的全球事务总裁尼克·克莱格 (Nick Clegg)表示,如果特朗普的账户被恢复后仍违反平台的规定,账号的恢复可能会再次被撤销。



来源:路透社 中国新闻网 CNN