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省、市委政府对光明县生态环保的重视并不只是电视剧里演的故事。 中国为了环保,一直在默默做事。

剧中提到的红线是什么?这正是中国首创的生态保护红线 ( Ecological Conservation Redlines, or eco-redli ne )。



生态保护红线是指在生态空间范围内具有特殊重要生态功能、必须强制性严格保护的区域, 是 保障和维护国家生态安全的底线和生命线

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The invisible line, covering more than 3 million square kilometers, controls all important ecological spaces and protects the country's ecological security.


红线囊括了生态功能重要区 (key ecological functional areas) 以及生态环境敏感脆弱区 (ecologically sensitive and fragile areas) 。其中,生态功能重要区包含以下几种:

水源涵养 Water conservation


Within the redline, important water conservation areas are found, such as the Sanjiangyuan Reserve, which is home to the headwaters of China's three major rivers, and provides water to more than 600 million people.

❷ 水土保持 Conservation of water and soil


It includes soil and water conservation areas such as the Loess Plateau, where 200 million tons of sediment flow into the Yellow River every year.

防风固沙 Windproofing and sand buffering

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防风固沙的前线阵地,如三北防护林,让京津冀地区沙尘暴的发生频率从1978年的每年5.1 天降至 2015年的每年0.1 天。

It includes windproofing and buffering areas such as the Three-North Shelterbelt, which reduced the frequency of sandstorms from 5.1 to 0.1 days per year in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 1978 to 2015.

生物多样性 Maintenance of biodiversity


It includes habitats of rare species and wild animals such as giant pandas, golden monkeys and Tibetan antelopes which are thriving once more.


The eco-redline also includes sensitive and fragile areas such as those susceptible to soil erosion, land desertification, stony desertification and salinization.

在这道“红线”内,中 国98%以上的国家重点保护物种,90%以上的优良生态系统和自然景观,2750 个自然保护区以及25 个重点生态功能区得到有效保护。






The eco-redlineis also essential for optimizing China's national territorial spatial planning, for growing food where land is suitable for farming, for protecting habitats of important species, and for keeping factories out of water conservation areas.

好比家里搞装修,阳光好的地方做客厅。 提前规划好,该保护的地方保护,能开发的地方开发。生态红线在宏观层面拉了一个底线,拦住了人类对自然的过度侵扰。

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如此,因地制宜、合理布局,万物得宜、事变得应。 让经济生态化,生态经济化 , 为子孙后代留下绿水青山,才能持续、持久地发展。

With proper spatial planning, we can develop the economy in an environmentally efficient way and protect it economically, preserving clean waters and lush mountains for future generations.



中国布下了一张“天罗地网”。这张“网”就是 “五基”体系: 包含了天基卫星、空基遥感、航空无人机、移动巡护监测车及地面观测。

This is the five-sphere monitoring system, consisting of space-based satellites, space-borne remote sensing, aerial drones, mobile patrol vehicles and field observation.

以生态监管为例。 卫星是在太空里的眼睛,监测覆盖范围广,可以定期扫描生态保护红线内的区域,及时发现明显的地表变化。

One example is ecological regulation. Think of a satellite as an eye in space. With a wide monitoring coverage, they can regularly scan areas within the ecological protection red line and detect obvious surface changes over time.


对于珍稀动物栖息地等生态保护重点区域,地面上的 空基遥感观测设备就像架在高处的望远镜,每8分钟到1小时就能完成1次360°全方位扫描,之后,地面观测设备进一步明确问题线索。

For key areas of environmental protection, such as rare animal habitats, space-borne remote sensing observation equipment functions as a telescope high above the ground. It can zoom in on an area of concern through a 360-degree scan every eight minutes to an hour. Then, field observation equipment can further identify the data.

对于空基遥感覆盖不到的区域,可以起飞 无人机进行近距离监测

For areas that cannot be covered by space-borne remote sensing, aerial drones can be launched for a closer perspective.


Then ecological patrol vehicles can carry out real-time monitoring along the navigable patrol route, verify ecological damage problems and investigate them in time.

“五基”体系互相配合, 检测精度可以达到1米以内。在这一精度下,保护区内的一辆车、一个人、一只野生动物都能看得清清楚楚,及时精准地发现各种人类干扰活动和生态环境破坏事件,形成生态监管的“天罗地网”,确保没有任何生态破坏者能逃过法眼。

Working together, the monitoring accuracy of the five approaches can be as little as a meter or less, under which a vehicle, person, or wild animal can be clearly seen. The system significantly helps uncover all kinds of human interference activities and ecological damage. A dragnet of ecological supervision will be established to ensure that no ecological culprits will escape the law.



China's innovative integration of the eco-redline with a multifaceted remote sensing monitoring system powered by the five approaches ensures that environmental security monitoring is high precision, all-round and swift.

2019年,中国首创的生态保护红线被联合国评为 15个模范案例之一。红线还 在2021年昆明举办的COP15大会上作为 典型案例 收获国际肯定。

In 2019 China's eco-redline was selected as one of 15 exemplary cases at the UN Climate Action Summit. It also won international recognition at COP15 held in Kunming, Yunnan province, in 2021.


With the support of the eco-redline and five-sphere monitoring system, China's solutions will play an ever greater role in environmental protection, demonstrating the leading role the country is taking in protecting our planet.



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