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P1: Week5

Title: Taking a trip 2

The next morning we get up early.I can't wait to get started on our trip!It will be a short trip and we are going to return home this evening so we don't need to pack our clothes.Instead we want to bring some food with us.

I open my schoolbag and take out all my textbooks a small dictionary, pencils and some colourful rubbers. I put popcorn and chocolates in the bag. Frosty adds some fresh strawberries and tomatoes. Mum also prepared a sandwich meal for us by mixing butter, cheese and salt with turkey meat.

"What is the weather today?" asks Frosty.

I open the door.The fresh air rushes into the room, but it is raining and foggy outside.

"I hope the weather will get better soon," says Frosty. We put on raincoats and walk outside the house.

P2: 英汉对照

The next morning we get up early. I can't wait to get started on our trip! It will be a short trip and we are going to return home this evening, so we don't need to pack our clothes. Instead, we want to bring some food with us.

第二天,我们早早便起床了。我迫不及待想开启这趟旅程! 旅途不远,我们打算今晚回来,这样就不必打包衣服了,我们反倒想随身带些食物。

I open my schoolbag and take out all my textbooks, a small dictionary, pencils and some colourful rubbers. I put popcorn and chocolates in the bag. Frosty adds some fresh strawberries and tomatoes. Mum also prepared a sandwich meal for us by mixing butter, cheese and salt with turkey meat.


"What is the weather today?" asks Frosty.


I open the door.The fresh air rushes into the room, but it is raining and foggy outside.


"I hope the weather will get better soon," says Frosty. We put on raincoats and walk outside the



P3: 必记词汇

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P4: 句子结构分析

主语 谓语 宾语/表语

状语 定语 非谓语动词

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