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MESAIEED, Qatar (AP) — Shaheen stretched out on the sand and closed his eyes, but there was little time to rest for thecamel. World Cup fans coming in droves to the desert outside Doha were ready for their perfect Instagram moment: riding a camel on the rolling dunes.


As Qatar welcomes more than a million fans for the monthlong World Cup, even its camels are working overtime. Visitors in numbers the tiny emirate has never before seen are rushing to finish a bucket list of Gulf tourist experiences between games: ride on a camel’s back, take pictures with falcons and wander through the alleyways of traditional markets.


On a recent Friday afternoon, hundreds of visitors in soccer uniforms or draped in flags waited for their turn to mount thehumpbackedanimals. Camels that did not rise were forced up by their handlers. When one camel let out a loud grunt, a woman from Australia shrieked, “it sounds like they’re being violated!” Nearby, a group of men from Mexico dressed in white Qatari thobes and headdresses took selfies.

上星期五下午,数百名身穿足球服或披着国旗的游客等待着骑骆驼。没有站起来的骆驼被它们的饲养员强行拉起来。当一只骆驼发出响亮的咕噜声时,一位来自澳大利亚的妇女尖叫道:"这听起来好像它们被侵犯了!" 在附近,一群来自墨西哥的男子身穿白色的卡塔尔长袍和头巾,自拍留念。

“It’s really an amazing feeling because you feel so tall,” 28-year-old Juan Gaul said after his ride. The Argentine fan was visiting Qatar for a week from Australia.

28岁的胡安·高尔(Juan Gaul)在骑乘后说:“这真的是一种神奇的感觉,感觉自己变高了。”这位阿根廷球迷从澳大利亚到卡塔尔旅游了一周。

Cashing in on the opportunity are the animals’ handlers who, thanks to the World Cup, are making several times more than they normally would.


“There’s a lot of money coming in,” said Ali Jaber al Ali, a 49-year-old Bedouin camel herder from Sudan. “Thank god, but it’s a lot of pressure.”


Al Ali came to Qatar 15 years ago but has worked with camels since he was a child. On an average weekday before the World Cup, Al Ali said his company would offer around 20 rides per day and 50 on weekends. Since the World Cup started, Al Ali and the men he works with are providing 500 rides in the morning and another 500 in the evening. The company went from having 15 camels to 60, he said.


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As crowds formed around them, many camels sat statue-like with cloth muzzles covering their mouths and bright saddles on their bodies. The smell of dung filled the air.


Al Ali said he knows when an animal is tired — usually, if it refuses to get up or sits back down after rising to its feet. He can identify each camel by its facial features.


But the sudden rise in tourists means there’s less time to rest between rides, he said. A short ride lasts just 10 minutes while longer ones run 20 to 30 minutes long.


Normally, Al Ali said a camel can rest after five rides. “Now, people are saying we can’t wait ... because they have other plans they need to go to in the middle of the desert,” he said.


Since the World Cup started, the animals are taken for 15 to 20 — sometimes even 40 rides — without a break.


Al Ali’s day starts around 4:30 a.m., when he feeds the animals and gets them ready for customers. Some tourists have been arriving atdawn, he said, hoping to get the perfect sunrise shot, “so we have to work with them and take photos for them.”


From midday until 2 p.m, both handlers and camels rest, he said. “Then we start getting ready for the afternoon battle.”


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Like other Gulf cultures, camels once provided Qatar is a vital form of transport and helped in the exploration and development of trade routes.


Today, the ungulates figure into cultural pastimes: camel racing is a popular sport that takes place on old-school tracks outside the city.




更令人匪夷所思的是,阿拉伯国家竟然还有骆驼选美比赛(beauty pageants for camels)。


While most sets of eyes are on the Fifa World Cup, camels from across the Gulf are competing at the Qatar Camel Mzayen Club’s beauty festival in Ash-Shahaniyah.


The competition between camels is fierce with different categories according to age and type.


Ahead of declaring the winner of the day’s competingcategory, other female camels were milked and the owner of the one producing the most was rewarded 20,000 Qatari riyals (about $5,500).


But all eyes were on the competition between Maghateer-type camels over the age of four, the day’s competing category, the winner of which received a sum 10 times higher.



The committee president said owners sometimes used fillers,Botoxor silicon to increase their camel’s chances of winning — foul play that results in disqualification.




camel/ˈkæm(ə)l/ n. 骆驼

humpbacked/ˈhʌmpbækt/ adj. 驼背的

dawn/dɔːn/n. 黎明

category/ˈkætəɡəri/ n. 种类,范畴

Botox/ˈbəʊtɒks/ n. 肉毒杆菌


英文部分摘自:AP News:World Cup frenzy puts strain on Qatar’s camels





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