
THE NORTH FACE多款户外装备入选《2023年度冬季装备指南》

权威户外媒体《Outside》团队于近期发布《2023年度冬季装备指南》,The North Face多款户外装备凭借出色性能及高舒适度入选,助力秋冬新季探索。其中The North Face VECTIV Fastpack 徒步鞋更斩获编辑精选大奖。



The North Face VECTIV Fastpack 徒步鞋

《Outside》团队评语节选:“这款徒步鞋配备有弧形滚轴中底可带来强劲推进力,TPU前掌承托板可带来强大稳定性,同时鞋底的花纹亦可强力抓地,从容应对多种地形。The North Face这款徒步鞋给我们的测试人员留下了深刻印象,它不仅仅是为保暖、积雪或潮湿小道而设计的,更是为冬季探索面临的各类场景而设计的。“


The North Face 冬季御寒保暖鞋

《Outside》团队评语节选:“这款The North Face 冬季御寒保暖鞋拥有极度舒适的鞋面,同时聚热球科技技术让足部持久温暖,脚踝的保护设计兼具舒适感,良好的抓地性能使得在雪地前行如履平地。”


The North Face秋冬印花紧身裤

《Outside》团队评语节选:“The North Face秋冬印花紧身裤采用加厚面料,弹性十足,拉伸自如,搭配舒适的高腰设计可满足在寒冷冬季徒步的各类需求。双侧口袋可轻松置物,在外出运动时完美替代腰包、背包,可谓秋冬日常必备款。”


The North Face 巅峰系列滑雪裤

《Outside》团队评语节选:“还没到雪场,我们的测评员就对这条滑雪裤爱不释手了。只需拉动前侧非绝缘层上的一根背带,就能轻松调齐左右裤长。除了优秀的调节设计外,The North Face巅峰系列滑雪裤的Futurelight 3L防水透气面料加持,防水透气,极度舒适,一件穿行,满足多项雪地运动所需。”

雪峰登巅探索不止,更需专业装备助力。The North Face将延续「 探索永不停止」的品牌精神,不断突破和拓展户外装备边界,以高品质、高性能的专业视角为探索者打造更加安全、专业、舒适的户外装备,助力探索者解锁全新冬季探索体验,自在奔赴雪域之巅。

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TheNorthFace于1966年成立,是美国上市公司VF集团的重要一员,总部位于美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市内,一直致力于为户外运动员的每一次严酷探险提供专业装备。「TheNorthFace」这个名字源自于北部最寒冷和最难以攀登的山脉。品牌标志则来自Half Dome,一座位于美国加州Yosemite National Park(优胜美地国家公园)里的山峰,中文名字取为「TheNorthFace」,象征着最难最险的户外探索精神。1997年,TheNorthFace采用全新的宣传标语「Never Stop Exploring探索永不停止」,体现品牌的探索精神,并成为品牌最重要的座右铭。作为领导全球的户外运动品牌,TheNorthFace以经过专业运动员测试,适应各类户外需求的产品,致力探索及挑战人类潜能的极限;






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The Best Winter Hiking Boots of 2023: Editor's Choice: The North Face Vectiv Fastpack Insulated Futurelight

I've always been a big fan of the Steve Jobs approach: find one piece of apparel that you can wear every day, no matter the situation. For winter hiking, that's the Vectiv Fastpack Insulated Futurelight. A rockered, high-rebound EVA midsole that doesn't stiffen in the cold yields a propulsive, poppy ride that had us feeling fast on the trail and fresh at the end of a long hike. This boot came with a rockered sole that tested well on dirt trails here in New Mexico, a high-rebound EVA midsole that added forward momentum on gravel or snow, and a TPU plate under the forefoot that kept the boots stable over any terrain.

Packed with 200 grams of eco-friendly insulation across the entire upper of the boot, and lined with a waterproof, breathable membrane, the boots stood up to old man winter without blinking. Tester Zoe Gates wore them in deep, wet snow in Greenland and said her feet were totally dry, even after hours of postholing. (They're high-cut enough to manage four to six inches of snow; add a gaiter and you can tackle full-on snow banks). Meanwhile, in mild Santa Fe, I found that the waterproof membrane breathed well enough to keep my feet from getting sweaty (and blistered). Thoughtful features were icing on the cake, like a knob on the heel that helped keep a rear snowshoe strap in place for long walks. Overall, our testers were impressed with how much effort TNF put into building a boot that's not just designed for warmth, or deep snow, or wet trails, but for anything you'll face from October all the way to March.

“This boot provides strong grip, stable protection and robust momentum and is able to handle various outdoor exploration with ease.”

——An excerpt from the review ofOutsideMagazine

The Best Men's Apres Apparel of 2023: The North Face NSE Chukka Boots

Many footwear brands make a slipper you can wear outside, but most of them can't handle real snow or sloppy parking lots. The over-the-ankle NSE Chukkas are an exception. The upper offers slipper-like comfort, while a chunky outsole with dozens of small diamond-shaped lugs offers serious traction across parking lots. The nylon upper isn't waterproof, but the ThermoBall Eco insulation kept our feet warm while tromping around New Mexico's Taos Ski Valley on a below-freezing day.

The ThermoBall keeps our feet warm, the ankle design protects us comfortably, and the good grip makes walking in the snow as smooth as possible.

——An excerpt from the review ofOutsideMagazine

The Best Women's Workout Gear of 2023: The North Face Sunset Pass Jacquard Tight

Cold-weather walks and hikes call for leggings that are breathable without losing their warm, plus adequately rugged. This pair, made of a thick polyester and spandex blend, has it all—plus substantial stretch and a high waist that's just the right level of snug. We liked the textured, jacquard fabric that feels substantial and nicely hid a small snag we ended up with after a run-in with a tree branch. And we loved the spacious pockets, which were especially helpful when we wanted to exercise outside but didn't want to carry a fanny pack or backpack to hold our phone, keys, and wallet. There's also a matching long-sleeve if you're in the market for a full-on'fit.

“This thick pair of tight with substantial stretch, a high waist and spacious pockets provides you just the right level of snug. It is a must-buy for fall and winter days.”

——An excerpt from the review ofOutsideMagazine

The Best Men's Ski Jackets of 2023: The North Face Summit Tsirku Futurelight Bibs

“I loved these bibs before I even hit the snow,” crooned tester Ryan Stuart. It started with the suspenders. Pulling only one strap on the front of these uninsulated bibs cinched up both sides evenly. “I never had to readjust or fiddle, and it's super comfortable,” he said. “It's the best adjustment system I've used in a decade of testing ski gear.” Things just got better from there. Articulation at the knees and hips keep the bibs riding comfortably whether sitting on a chairlift or gliding up a skintrack, though the fit is on the narrower side. And despite skiing everywhere from Heavenly, Calif., in a T-shirt to Whistler, B.C., on windy, 20-degree-Fahrenheit days, testers never felt the need to adjust layering. The waterproof, air-permeable 3-layer Futurelight shell blocks the weather and breaths better than most fabrics. Our conclusion: The same design points that make these bibs worthy of shredding their namesake—a particularly gnarly part of Alaska's Saint Elias Mountains—guarantees their effectiveness while lapping the resort.

“The North Face Summit Bibs with its waterproof, air-permeable 3-layer Futurelight tech is super comfortable and easy to wear. They are the perfect bibs for snow sports lovers.”

——An excerpt from the review ofOutsideMagazine