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迪尔克·格尔利希(Dirk GÖRLICH),2022年世界顶尖科学家协会奖“生命科学或医学奖”得主,德国马克斯·普朗克科学促进学会科学成员,马克斯·普朗克多学科科学研究所主任


The FG phase and transport selectivity of nuclear pores

FG相与核孔的转 运选择性


Cells of eukaryotic organisms (such as animals) rely on sophisticated logistics, including compartments that fulfill distinct functions and therefore use different sets of enzymes. The nucleus harbors the genome, transcribes DNA into RNA, and assembles and exports ribosomes. However, it must import all needed proteins from the cytoplasm, which is specialized in protein synthesis. This nucleocytoplasmic exchange proceeds through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) that allow a (slow) passive passage as well as (rapid) active, facilitated transport.

Our lab has a long-standing interest in the underlying mechanisms. We discovered importins and exportins (collectively called nuclear transport receptors or NTRs for short), which import cargoes into and export others out of cell nuclei. We established that active transport by importins and exportins is powered by a nucleocytoplasmic RanGTP gradient and that importins also function as chaperones, protecting sticky cargoes during transit from ionic aggregation.

Another key observation was the enormous transport capacity of NPCs, which can each translocate ≈ 1000 NTR molecules or a mass equivalent of 100 Megadalton (MDa) per second. At the same time, NPCs function as barriers that prevent intermixing of nuclear and cytoplasmic contents. We discovered that the permeability barrier of NPCs is a hydrogel-like ‘FG phase’, repelling normal (‘inert’) macromolecules but being an excellent ‘solvent’ for NTRs and their cargo complexes. Transport through NPCs can thus be described as mobile species partitioning into this FG phase and exiting on the opposite side. This FG phase self-assembles from intrinsically disordered FG repeat domains, with hydrophobic phenylalanine-glycine (FG) motifs engaging in highly multivalent, cohesive interactions. This multivalency results in a 3Dsieve whose mesh size rules the (passive) sieving properties of the phase. NTRs bind FG motifs, compete FG-FG interactions locally, and can thus ‘melt’ (along with their cargoes) through the meshes. We recently asked for the simplest possible implementation of a selective FG phase and found a perfectly repeated, 12mer GLFG peptide to be sufficient for phase assembly, barrier function, and facilitated transport of all tested NTR-cargo complexes. This extreme simplicity of the basic NPC function strikingly contrasts the elaborate structure of the 100 MDa NPC scaffold.

The FG phase initially seemed an exotic state of biological matter; however, it just pre-figured the exciting observations of the now rapidly expanding field of cellular phase transitions/ liquid-liquid phase separations, which are also driven by similar multivalent interactions between intrinsically disordered protein domains.




另一项主要发现是NPC的巨大转运能力,每秒可转运约1000个 NTR分子或相当于分子质量达100兆道尔顿(MDa)。同时,NPC作为物理屏障,阻止核、质内物质的混合。我们发现,NPC的渗透屏障是一种水凝胶状的“FG相”,保留了惰性大分子,但对于蛋白复合体来说是一种极好的“溶剂”,允许导入和导出蛋白的通过,从而使货物穿梭进出细胞核。屏障可以描述为由粘性 FG 重复结构域组装而成的凝聚相,充分参与多价态的内聚合反应。多价态性可形成3D筛,其筛孔尺寸决定相的(被动)筛分特性。NTR与相邻FG域对FG域点位的竞争,导致蛋白复合体凝聚态的形成。最近,我们成功地设计了一个完美重复的12聚体GLFG肽,该肽自组装成具有精细运输选择性和快速运输动力学的屏障。该屏障概括了 RanGTPase 控制的导入和导出介导的货物运输,因此代表了最终简化的实验模型系统。


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