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9月23日,据台湾娱乐媒体报道称,台湾百万女网红Yumi.k穿内衣吃火锅,这样的情况还是第一次见,她也是非常的大胆,穿着一件隐私内衣就出门去吃火锅去了,不仅仅如此,她穿着一件大胆的衣服逛夜市,一时间也是引来无数网友的质疑和批评,引发了热议。(On September 23, according to Taiwan's entertainment media, Taiwan's millions of female Internet celebrities Yumi K wore underwear to eat hot pot. This was the first time to see her. She was also very bold. She went out to eat hot pot in a private underwear. Not only that, she wore a bold dress to stroll around the night market, which attracted many netizens' doubts and criticisms at one time, causing a heated debate.)

内衣外穿的风格,也成为 Yumi.K的独有标记,早前她乘搭飞机来回泰国及台湾,就因为性感衣著,惹来不少乘客向她行注目礼。


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她在IG Po照片后留言:我也不敢相信我怎麽可能单身这么久,1000个说怎么可能一定很多人追,但1万个说这一定难追不要试最好。


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据悉Yumi.k已经不是第一次这么干了,她就是靠时常只穿着内衣出街、运动等迅速蹿红网络的,经常的在社交平台上晒出自己的辣妹照,几乎全都是清凉照片,在秀自己的身材,现在已经是拥有一百多万粉丝的网红了,但还是希望她能稍微的收敛一些,尽量不要这么穿搭去公共场合。(It is learned that Yumi It is not the first time that K has done this. She has become popular on the Internet by wearing only her underwear and sports. She often shows off her hot girls' photos on social platforms, almost all of which are cool. She is showing off her figure. Now she has become an online celebrity with more than one million fans. However, I hope she can be a little more restrained and try not to wear them in public.)

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