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East China Normal University, located in Shanghai, is home to at least 13 stray dogs and 200 stray cats. Members of the university's animal protection club walk the leashed dogs at night daily. As soon as a dog-walking notice is released in a WeChat group, the walking quotas will fill up almost instantaneously.





"We make a schedule for walking dogs at the beginning of each semester, but there are always changes due to club members' schedules, so we will call for help in our WeChat group," said Xie Yifan, a junior at the university, and current vice head of the club. It is likely that this year more students have joined the animal protection club so stray dogs have become relatively "rare," said Xie Yifan.

该小动物保护协会成立于2004年,而流浪狗圈养已经推行了5年。校园中大面积的绿地和友好的学生们为流浪狗生存提供了良好环境,但这也构成了安全隐患。为了保证师生安全和珍爱每一条生命,爱狗学生建立了狗舍 (kennel) , 目前有13只流浪狗被圈养其中。

The animal protection club was established in 2004. It began to raise stray dogs five years ago, with 13 dogs inhabiting the kennel now. Stray dogs and cats were a problem at the university. They inhabit campuses because of the large green spaces and friendly students, but also pose a safety threat. To protect dogs and people at the university, some students then decided to build a kennel.

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Taking care of these stray dogs is not easy, Xie said. Duties of the club members include cleaning the kennel, bathing the dogs, grooming them regularly, and taking them to animal hospitals to get spayed or neutered. The cost comes from the club's activity fund and income from cultural and creative products. Many members also "pay out of their own pockets" because they love dogs and cats.





Instead of keeping them in captivity on campus, club members hope the stray dogs could be adopted. In addition, more than 200 stray cats have also been rescued and raised in the Zhongshanbei campus of the university.


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网友们纷纷点赞华师的小动物保护协会,“方法很好,既解决了流浪狗无人管理有可能被伤害、也可能伤害路人的问题,又让喜欢狗的同学有机会和狗狗接触放松解压。 ”

也有网友笑称: “一天遛八遍,狗都瘦了。 ”



来源:澎湃新闻 中新网 华东师范大学阳光小动物保护协会