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9月6日,中国西南部四川省泸定县发生6.8级地震后的第二天,28岁的哈萨克斯坦歌手迪玛希·库达依别列根 (Dimash Kudaibergen ) 在中国社交媒体平台新浪微博上分享了一段视频,向地震遇难者家属送去了慰问。

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"For those who lost their family members in the earthquake, I would like to extend my deep condolences. For those who are looking for their missing family members, please stay strong," said the singer, who spoke Mandarin while recording the video.


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Dimash, who has nearly 8 million followers on his Sina Weibo account, gained wide popularity in China in 2017 after appearing on Singer, a talent show produced and aired by Hunan TV that features professional singers who compete. He took second place. His wide vocal range and chic appearance soon captivated the hearts of fans in China. Since then, the singer has been developing a career in China, with a hectic schedule of performances around the country.

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迪玛希在中国的广受欢迎也让更多的中国人了解了哈萨克斯坦这个中亚国家。 迪玛希学会了说普通话,并用普通话录制了许多歌曲,如《时光沧海》 (Ocean Over Time)和《王冠》 (The Crown ),吸引了中国歌迷的关注。

Because of his wide popularity in China, more Chinese people have learned about the Central Asian country. Dimash also learned to speak Mandarin and recorded his songs, such as Ocean Over Time and The Crown, in Mandarin, which appealed to his Chinese fans.

由于新冠疫情的影响,他推迟了在中国的演出日程。不过,通过在社交媒体上分享他的生活和工作, 迪玛希一直与他的中国粉丝保持着联系。

现在这位歌手正忙于准备即将到来的 “陌生人” (Stranger)演唱会,该演唱会将于9月23日在哈萨克阿拉木图中央体育场举行,他也告知了中国歌迷演出的最新情况。


"It will be the first time that I will have a concert in the beautiful city," he wrote. "There are songs that make you want to dance, songs that make you want to sing along, but the best songs are the ones that take you back to when you first heard them and break your heart again and again."

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1994年,迪玛希出生在哈萨克斯坦阿克托贝(Aktobe, Kazakhstan)的一个音乐世家。爷爷是冬不拉演奏家,奶奶是一名歌手,父母均是哈萨克斯坦著名的艺术家。他从小学习钢琴,参加过儿童合唱团,并在许多歌唱比赛中获过奖。2016年,迪玛希发行了首张同名专辑。



Dimash once said in an interview that he didn't expect his popularity in China and he feels honored to become a bridge between China and Kazakhstan, particularly promoting culture among young people of the two countries.



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中国驻哈萨克斯坦大使张霄会见迪玛希 图源:今日丝路


In honor of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, a national award, "30 years-30 names", was offered to Kazakhs who made a special contribution to the development of the country and achieved success in various fields. Dimash won the Cultural Merit Award.






来源:中国日报 中新网 今日丝路