8月7日,在霹雳舞顶级赛事Outbreak 2022中,16岁中国小将刘清漪勇夺女子单人赛冠军。这是中国运动员获得的首个世界霹雳舞顶级赛事冠军。

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Liu Qingyi, 16-year-old girl from Central China's Henan province, won the global breakdance competition at the Outbreak Europe 2022 in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia on Sunday, achieving a major breakthrough by becoming the first Chinese B-girl to ever win the world breakdance top-level championship.


A senior practitioner in the hip-hop circle said, although the event is a private event, it has a very high gold content and is equivalent to the World Championships.



The Chinese teen defeated a handful of the world's top female breakers, including Italian dancer Anti and German veteran Jilou, to reach the final. veteran n. 经验丰富的人;老兵

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决赛中,刘清漪对战荷兰名将India,面对实力强大的对手,刘清漪毫无惧色,最终以2比1战胜对手,一举拿下OutBreak 2022女子单人赛冠军,为年轻女性霹雳舞者树立了新标杆。

Against famous Dutch veteran India, a 2022 Dutch Championships B-Girl winner, Liu was unstoppable, taking a 2-1 win in a battle described by many as setting a new bar for young female breakers.


Breaking was among several new sports confirmed for the 2024 Paris Olympics by the International Olympic Committee in December 2020.



Liu saw street dance for the first time in her hometown of Huixian county when she was only 10 years old, and she was deeply attracted by the performer's cool and dynamic dance. "I've been engaged in many sports and hobbies, but only found hip-hop is my true love after I started learning it," Liu was quoted as saying by the media.


In the competition for the men's event, Chinese dancer Shang Xiaoyu also performed well. He also made a historical breakthrough for China by entering the semi-finals, which is the best result Chinese male breakdancers have ever obtained in the world's top breakdance competition.

在本次Outbreak 2022街舞大赛,全球霹雳舞高手都参加了角逐,中国男女选手均取得历史性突破,也让世界霹雳舞圈看到了中国实力。希望中国霹雳舞队再接再厉,在2024巴黎奥运会上取得好成绩。

来源:北京青年报 澎湃新闻 21世纪英文报 Global Times South China Morning Post