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中国日报外籍记者老衲 (Nathan Williams)最近学习了《西游记》和基于原著的各种花式改编,结果立刻“路转粉”了。






The story itself was already a part of Chinese folk and literary tradition in the form of colloquial stories, a poetic novelette, and a six-part drama when Wu Chengen formed it into his long and richly humorous novel.

故事设定在公元六世纪,僧人唐三藏(Buddhist monk)被委以重任,要将古老的佛教经文从西天带到中国,启迪普罗大众(enlighten the masses)。

然而在旅途之初,他的两个护卫就被妖怪杀死,幸而一位佛祖的化身 (avatar)为他找到了三个徒弟 (disciples)。而他们,就是小伙伴们熟知的孙悟空、猪八戒和沙悟净。


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I bet you can think of a gazillion stories with the structure, but back in the day—this fellowship, well they were the O.G. heroes. 我敢打赌你们可以联想到许许多多结构相似的故事,但在当时,这种师徒同行的情节很少见,他们可谓是初世代的英雄。


① 唐三藏(Tang Sanzang/Tripitaka)


Tang Sanzang is a spiritual character who is pure of heart, naive and is the moral compass and compassionate leader of his group of Gods.

之所以师徒四人会遇到“九九八十一难”,其中一个原因就是吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老(live as long as heaven and earth),令妖怪们垂涎眼馋。这一点从小妖和大王的对话中就可以看出来:

大王,外面是个和尚哩,团头大面,两耳垂肩,嫩刮刮的一身肉,细娇娇的一张皮,且是好个和尚! A monk, Your Majesty. He has a large face and a round head, and his ears hang down to his shoulders. His flesh looks most tender and his skin extremely delicate. He's a very promising monk.

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② 孙悟空(Sun Wukong/The Monkey King)

孙悟空可谓是《西游记》“二创”中的顶流,从国内到国外,从影视剧到动漫游戏,都有着他的身影。连老衲自己都坦白说,最想成为的角色就是美猴王,能够斩妖除魔、改写生死簿(the Book of the Dead),谁能不羡慕呢?

Born from a stone and possesses supernatural powers through Taoist teachings, he can transform into different objects and animals. He's a skilled martial artist and he has a magical staff. And he rides a magical cloud. 孙悟空是从石头缝里蹦出来的。他师从道教,习得一身通天本领,可以变化成各种物体和动物。他不仅功夫了得,还有一只神奇的金箍棒,乘筋斗云、来去自如。

③ 沙悟净(Sha Wujing/Sandy)


In the original text, Wujing was quite a dangerous water spirit who would kill humans and wear their skulls as a necklace. His intellect, strength and magical staff are his best weapons in a battle. 在最初的神话传说中,悟净是一个相当危险的水怪,他会夺人性命,并把他们的骷髅串成项链佩戴。沙悟净的智慧、力量和降妖宝杖,是他在战斗中最好的武器。

④ 猪八戒(Zhu Bajie/Pigsy)


Zhu Bajie was a commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers until he, like Sha Wujing, was cast out of heaven for indulging in his lustful desire after the Moon Goddess. On Earth, he is a half-pig half-man creature who loves food and often gives in to his base desires.

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“呆子啊!师父教你化斋,许你在此睡觉的?” You idiot, who said you could sleep here instead of begging for food as our master told you?


老衲表示,“我小时候一直想成为热门日本动画片《七龙珠Z》(Dragon Ball Z)中的悟空”,来中国学习了《西游记》才发现,悟空(Goku)的原型原来是孙悟空。

Goku is definitely based on Sun Wukong, which actually translates to Sun Goku in Japanese! Characters are almost carbon copies of Journey to the West characters. Bulma is obviously Tang Sanzang. Oolong is Zhu Bajie. 《龙珠》中的悟空绝对是以孙悟空为原型。当中的主要人物也几乎是《西游记》几大主角的翻版,布尔玛显然是唐三藏,乌龙就是猪八戒。


《西游记》对流行文化的影响还有很多,比如科幻美剧《穷山恶水》(Into the Badlands)在人物和剧情上,也都对《西游记》有所借鉴。



The influence that Journey to the West has had on pop culture is quite incredible and the story and the characters across so many mediums have inspired artists and creators to dream up their own epic tales of heroism.



  • 俺乃是五百年前大闹天宫的齐天大圣孙悟空!

    I'm Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who made havoc in Heaven five hundred years ago.

  • 小的们,老孙回来了!

    Little ones, I'm back.

  • 悟空,救我!

    Rescue me, Wukong.

  • 贫僧从东土大唐而来,去往西天取经。

    I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy scriptures.

  • 我叫你一声,你敢答应我么?

    Do you have the guts to answer if I call your name?

  • 大王叫我来巡山!

    His Majesty sent me to patrol the mountains.

  • 你这泼猴,又胡说!

    Impudent ape, talking nonsense again!

  • 妖精!哪里走!

    Evil spirit, where do you think you're going?

  • 你是猴子请来的救兵么?

    Hey! Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey?

  • 大圣,收了神通罢。

    Great Sage, give your magic powers a rest.

记者:Nathan Williams

编辑:焦洁 左卓


来源:中国日报 Britannica 今日中国