6月22日,电气与电子工程师协会 (IEEE)国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议 (CVPR)2022公布了最佳学生论文等奖项,同济大学、阿里巴巴的研究者斩获最佳学生论文奖。

The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022 announced the best student paper and several other awards on Wednesday, with researchers from Tongji University and Alibaba winning the Best Student Paper Award.

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The first author of the paper is Chen Hansheng, a Master's student at the Institute of Intelligent Vehicles and Shanghai Science Centre for Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems, School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University. This is the first time that the first author of a winning paper has come from a Chinese university since CVPR established the Best Student Paper Award in 2001. The best student paper nomination also went to Harvard University and a few others.

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CVPR is the top conference in computer vision and pattern recognition organized by the IEEE. This year's CVPR conference saw 8,161 submissions, and after more than three months of review work, a total of 2,064 papers were accepted for the conference, representing an acceptance rate of 25.28 percent.



Having grown up with a passion for computers and motor racing, Chen enrolled in the School of Automotive Studies at Tongji University as an undergraduate and also joined the TJU Racing Team. In the team, he was in charge of the aerodynamics group and was involved in the design and construction of two racing cars. He helped the team take the Best Aerodynamics Award at the 2019 Formula Student Car Championship in Japan.

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Chen joined the School's Car Culture Mission, going to primary and secondary schools to talk to young students about car culture. He is also a member of the school choir and composes musical pieces with the help of computer programming.



In his fourth year of his undergraduate course, Chen accepted postgraduate recommendation of the University with distinction and entered the Shanghai Science Centre for Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems at the Institute of Intelligent Vehicle Research, School of Automotive Studies for further study.


来源:中国青年报 中国日报双语新闻