

“美国政府对美国人民的人权遭受系统性侵犯无动于衷,却热衷于打着人权幌子对别国肆意攻击、横加干涉。这充分表明美方所谓的‘重视人权’完全是虚伪、空洞的说辞。(This fully indicates that the US’ claim to champion human rights is nothing but hypocritical rhetoric and empty talks.)”


在美国国务院5月25日的记者会上,有记者就此事颇具火药味地追问发言人普莱斯(Ned Price),“中国说我们讨论人权很虚伪,你怎么看?”





"...the situation in your home state, the tragedy in Texas with the shooting. As it relates to foreign affairs, your counterpart in Beijing today mentioned it and said that it’s unacceptable that the US hasn’t addressed gun violence, said it’s hypocritical for the US to be raising human rights with China when this goes on. Do you have any response to that?" “你的家乡得州发生了这样的枪击惨案,这件事也牵扯到外交问题。你的北京同行今天提到了这件事,他说美国没有解决枪支暴力问题是不可接受的,他还说在这样的情况下,美国指责所谓的中国人权问题是虚伪的表现,你对此有何回应?”

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普莱斯先是表达了自己对于枪击案的感受,称其是一记沉重的打击(a real punch to the gut):

"The toll of watching this, even for those of us who are enmeshed day to day in foreign policy, has been a real punch to the gut, and it’s been a punch that has landed on what is in many ways a bruise that hasn’t healed from just the other day, what we saw in Buffalo. It is a toll that – it’s a devastating human toll, but of course, it has implications for our work here at the department as well." “即便是对于我们这样每天沉浸在外交政策的人来说,目睹这一切(枪击案)也是沉重的打击,它一拳击中了我们尚未愈合的伤口,前不久布法罗市才刚刚发生过枪击事件。死伤人数令人震惊,这对我们的工作也造成了影响。”


他接着引用拜登语录,称美国是以最佳榜样的力量来领导世界的。在美国发生的事情,在世界舞台上也被放大了。而世界关注美国发生的事情,通常是出于羡慕(oftentimes out of envy)。

"He’s made the point that it is not the example of our power, it’s the power of example that at our best we use to lead." “就像他(拜登)所说的那样,我们不是在以我们的力量为榜样,而是以最好的榜样的力量来领导(世界)。”
"The fact is that what happens in this country is magnified on the world stage, and countries around the world, people around the world are going to fixate on what transpires here, oftentimes out of envy." “事实上,美国发生的事情在世界舞台上被放大了。世界上的国家和人们会关注这里发生的事情,这通常是出于羡慕......”


"We’ve been a city on a hill, the last best hope, a shining beacon to the world, and again, when we’re at our best, that example is one that countries around the world would seek to emulate." “我们曾是山巅之城,是全球仅存的美好希望,是世界闪亮的灯塔。当我们处于最佳状态时,美国树立的榜样,是世界各国都想要效仿的榜样。”



"But the opposite is also true, can also be true. We have the potential to set an example for the world that no country would wish to emulate, and rather than be an object of envy, we have the potential to be a source of confusion, a source of disbelief for our closest friends and allies; worse yet, an object of pity, or in the case of competitors and adversaries, a source of – a source of schadenfreude, a source of in some cases glee."


"So the power of our example has the potential to be our greatest asset. On days like today, however, it’s that example, an example that the world is clearly watching, that will have implications for our standing. And we’re very mindful of that." “榜样的力量可能成为我们最大的资产,但在今天的日子里,正是这个榜样——全世界都在关注的榜样,对我们的地位造成了影响,我们对此也格外留心。”


"What does that mean? On this point, I mean, it really is heartbreaking. And I just want to remind everybody, since Columbine in 1999, upward of 300,000 Americans have been hit by gun violence. I mean, this year alone, this is the 27th mass shooting. Last year, 42 mass shootings." “这到底在讲什么......现在这种时候,这是件令人心碎的事情,我想提醒大家,自1999年科伦拜校园枪击案发生以来,已经有超过30万美国人遭受过枪支暴力。光是今年,就已经发生27起大规模枪击事件了,去年共发生了42起大规模枪击事件。”

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"We all have kids, and grandkids in my case. I mean, you talk about genocide. Isn’t this considered a genocide if you look at it in this kind of perspective, in this context for which, perhaps, the gun lobby ought to be at least partially held responsible?"

这名记者怒气冲冲地说:“一场、一场又一场的屠杀。”(Massacre after massacre after massacre.)


"Our friends and allies around the world want us to be that beacon, they want us to be that object of envy. And when we give the world reason to pity or to change that assessment of us, it is not only not in our interests, it not only has a cost for us, but it has a cost for them, too."






The right to life is the biggest human right and racial discrimination is the biggest injustice. The US is beset by the most serious gun violence and social discrimination, and also a country with the biggest deficit in human rights. It is unacceptable that no substantive measures have been taken by the US government to tackle these problems over the past decades. Over the past 25 years, the US federal government has failed to promulgate a single gun control act. Nearly 60 years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, and today, we still have to face a brutal reality where people like George Floyd can't even breathe.


The US government is callous about the systemic violation of the human rights of American people. But in the meantime, it has been keen on wantonly attacking other countries and grossly interfering in their internal affairs under the pretext of human rights. This fully indicates that the US’ claim to champion human rights is nothing but hypocritical rhetoric and empty talks. How can one expect the US government, who doesn't even care about the human rights of its own people, to genuinely concern itself with the human rights situation in other countries? What the US really takes interest in is to turn human rights into a tool to control and suppress other countries.


We urge the US to show earnest care to the human rights of its own people, submit a report on the US human rights conditions for international scrutiny, and deeply reflect upon why it has become a country with the most serious gun violence in the world, where children and teens are 15 times more likely to die from gunfire than their peers in 31 other high-income countries combined? Why Asian Americans in New York still live in fear, Muslims face increasing discrimination and the Indigenous people suffer persistent persecution? Why the US, a country with the best medical technologies and resources, has the largest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths? The US should take effective measures as soon as possible to protect the lives of the American people and guarantee their rights to freedom from fear, gun violence and racial discrimination.

编辑:李金昳 左卓

来源:观察者网 美国国务院 外交部官网