
Celebrating the success of the 7th Anniversary of the founding of Birland State and its Culture, Poetry and Tourism links in alliance with FOWCAAS

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Honorable President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi, Prime Minister Prof. Eden Soriano Trinidad, Leader of Nepal Host Mr. Mingma Dorjee Sherpa, Mr. Durbandra KC and Mr. Krishna Prasai and all distinguished guests, a very good evening to you.

I am honored to be here in Kathmandu, a place I’ve long wanted to visit, which is also the capital of Nepal, a beautiful country with a long history. Nepal is one of the ancient nations in Asia, located on the southern slope of the Himalayas, the roof of the world and blessed with sunshine all year round. It is wonderful, lush with green trees and blooming flowers.

It is also a world-famous tourist attraction, especially since Mr. Mingma Dorje Sherpa, the organizer, has specially arranged for "Birland State" and "FOWCAAS" to conduct cultural and tourism exchange on this mountain, we are delighted and excited. In addition to being appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Art of "Birland State", I am also the founder of the "FOWCAAS" in 136 countries. It is my pleasure to present these seven lines of traditional Chinese poetry for everyone to appreciate and add to the atmosphere of this event:

In my dreams I’ve long admired the ancient sacred Himalayas
The wind blows mightily across the vast sky at heaven’s peak
Promoting the cultural link between Birland State and Nepal with FOWCAAS
Looking forward to great poets present and add color to the sky

I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone appreciate the successful production of [See You In Beijing@2022 Winter Olympics] at the beginning of this year, led by "Birland State" and "FOWCAAS", with members invited from 80 countries around the world to deliver congratulation speeches in 33 languages. The congratulation video collection was officially released on January 16, to wish China a total success with the Winter Olympics.

3 minutes short clip

视频链接 Video link
外国点击录象欣赏Click & Enjoy The Video (International)【YouTube】
中国点击录象欣赏Click & Enjoy The Video (China)【YouKu】

Finally, on behalf of "Birland State" and "FOWCAAS", I would like to wish everyone good health, good fortune and all the best!


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【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang

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Live speech of 【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang

视频链接 Video link
外国点击录象欣赏Click & Enjoy The Video (International)【YouTube】
中国点击录象欣赏Click & Enjoy The Video (China)【YouKu】


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Open Convention at the Chhahari Boutique Lodge on Kathmandu Hills.

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【FOWCAAS】 Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun (Front row, 3rd from left) Chief Affairs Advisor Mr. Mario Chua Wui Meng (Front row, 4th from left) and United Nations International Police Forum - Lt. Gen. Sir Dr. Arun Kumar Chaliha (Front row, 5th from left) and all VIP members attending the event.

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Guest of honor - President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi (center), Prime Minister Prof. Eden Soriano Trinidad (left), Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Culture & Arts and【FOWCAAS】- Founder & Global Chief Councillor , H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang (right).

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Celebrating the ceremony of the 7th Anniversary of the founding of Birland State.

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Group photo of culture, poetry and tourism High Admin Members from the【FOWCAAS】alliance.

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Nepal Indigenous TV Anchor, Mr. Indra Shrestha interviewing【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang.

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【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang exchanging culture with the Ambassador of the State of Qatar Mr. Yousuf Bin Mohammed AI – Hail.

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【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang exchanging culture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Joint Secretary Mr. Tej Bahadur Chhetri.

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【FOWCAAS】 Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun (center) Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang (3rd from right) and Chief Affairs Advisor Mr. Mario Chua Wui Meng (2nd from right) in a group photo with Nepalese cultural members during cultural exchanges.

"FOWCAAS" Team Arrives at Kathmandu, Capital of Nepal

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Nepal Host & Leader, Mr. Mingma Dorjee Sherpa (1st from right), and Mr. Krishna Prasai (1st from left) welcoming the High Admin Officials of【FOWCAAS】.

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Beginning of the 7th Anniversary Conference of the Birland State.

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United Nations International Police Forum - Lt. Gen. Sir Dr. Arun Kumar Chaliha (left) awarded the "Special Medal" and issued a certificate of recognition to【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang (right) for his contributions to global culture and art over the years with President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi (center) as witness.

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United Nations International Police Forum - Lt. Gen. Sir Dr. Arun Kumar Chaliha (left) awarded the "Special Medal" and issued a certificate of recognition to【FOWCAAS】Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun (right) for her contributions to global culture and art over the years with President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi (center) as witness.

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United Nations International Police Forum - Lt. Gen. Sir Dr. Arun Kumar Chaliha (left) awarded the "Special Medal" and issued a certificate of recognition to 【FOWCAAS】Chief Affairs Advisor Mr. Mario Chua Wui Meng (right) for his contributions to global culture and art over the years with President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi (center) as witness.

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【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang present a particularly delicate Three-Variables badge and the King crown badge to President of Birland State Dr. Emir Hayawi, as a souvenir.

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Three Variables badge and the King & Queen crown badge.

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【FOWCAAS】 Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun present a particularly delicate Three-Variables badge and the Queen crown badge to Prime Minister Prof. Eden Soriano Trinidad, as a souvenir.

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture & Arts of Birland State, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang, presenting custom-made Gold seal to President Dr. Emir Hayawi (right) for preservation.

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“伯兰”国副总理兼文化艺术部长陈光億宗师将伯兰大型国土规划分界地图交于总统埃米尔•海亚威博士保存。Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture & Arts of Birland State H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang, presenting large-scale map of demarcation and land planning of Birland State to President Dr. Emir Hayawi for preservation.

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Group photo of members during the conference for the 7th Anniversary of Birland State.

"FOWCAAS" Team Begins Cultural Tour and Admire Beautiful Nepalese Attractions

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International Global advisor of【FOWCAAS】Mr. Durbandra KC (Former Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal - Academy Chief CAA), welcoming us onboard for the air-tour around the Himalayan Mountains.

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Group photo of 【FOWCAAS】 and 【Birland State】 High Admin on Buddha's flight for an air-tour around the Himalayan Mountains.

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大家可从机外近距离观赏世界最高峰“珠穆朗玛峰”海拔8 844.43米。
Our close view of world's highest peak "Mount Everest", at an altitude of 8 844.43 meters from the plane.

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FOWCAAS - Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang and his team at World Heritage Kathmandu Palace Durbar Square and the Great Boudha Stupa.

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Dr. Janice Ding Jun, Acting President of FOWCAAS and her team at Lumbini Garden, birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni, coincidentally on the same day (May 16) as the Prime Ministers of the India and Nepal to pray for blessings.

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【FOWCAAS】 Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang wishing good health and luck to people from all over the world.

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FOWCAAS team at the gate of the Holy Palace, where Buddha Shakyamuni walked out of for the first time commonly known as the Lucky Gate, in a group photo together with the local people.

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FOWCAAS team praying for the health, well-being and happiness of all members of FOWCAAS and for people from all over the world.

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【FOWCAAS】 Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun (1st from left) and Founder & Global Chief Councillor, H.R.H Chief Grand Master Jason Tan Beng Siang (4th from left), teaching Ms. Marisha Koirala, Famous Nepalese International Bollywood Celebrity (2nd from left) and her mother Mdm. Sushma Koirala (3rd from left), to use [Three Variables] to increase their energy field and the way of health preservation.

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Dr. Janice Ding Jun, Acting President of FOWCAAS & Dean of Three Variables International Cultural Research Institute, presenting the book of 【Three-Variables】to Famous Nepalese International Bollywood Celebrity , Ms. Marisha Koirala.

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Group photo of High Admins of supporting unit [World Birland Poets] with outstanding poets of Nepal after the cultural exchange.

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Jara Foundation of Nepal submitting their letter of request for alliance and cooperation with FOWCAAS to 【FOWCAAS】Acting President Dr. Janice Ding Jun (2nd from right).

Group Photo of【FOWCAAS】and【Birland State】High Admins After the Successful Banquet in Celebration of This International Event.

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Group photo of FOWCAAS and Birland State.

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FOWCAAS team expressing their heartfelt thanks and their highest salute to the Nepalese host and leader, H.E. Mingma Dorjee Sherpa and his wife, for organizing unforgettable cultural exchanges and tourism activities throughout the process of the 7-day visit.

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FOWCAAS team taking a group photo again before returning back to Singapore.

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