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Your idea is too naive. China will not go to war with the United States.


What China will do is to repel any attack on the motherland, which is why they want to recover the islands in the South China Sea. These islands are being equipped with early warning systems and ultra-high speed weapon systems to destroy American ships and aircraft before they invade Chinese Mainland.


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If the situation becomes tense, assuming that the United States launches an attack first, the rest of the world will oppose the United States more actively than they do now and try to withdraw any and all support for the United States. Some people may also join China to help prevent the conflict from getting out of control. Because the world can't afford the war between the two great powers, we can see from the Ukrainian crisis that the United States is only behind the scenes, providing guns, ammunition and public opinion support, but it never dare to end easily.


The two countries' economic models are diametrically opposed, but they are therefore deadlocked. The United States uses China as its factory for producing goods, while China uses the United States as its largest customer. It is difficult for the two countries to break away from relations.



There are two main tools in the US Arsenal to "defeat" China. The first is tariffs, which have proved ineffective after four years of trade war between the two countries. Another means is to try to make the world oppose China by spreading all kinds of rumors slandering China, hoping that the world will support the United States and let them oppose China together - which should not be very useful. After all, there are people who distinguish right from wrong in the world.


If possible, China needs to win by surpassing the United States in trade and technology. Under the atmosphere of American xenophobia, the return of talents will be the trend. There are two Chinese for every 10 to 12 graduates majoring in science and Technology Engineering in the United States. In addition, half of the 10 students graduating from the United States are not Americans, but overseas students. Most of them will return home rather than stay in the United States under Biden's control. Which scientist from India, China, Spain and other countries would rather stay in the United States than go home and be treated as a Dalit in the United States?


With the efforts of best DeVos, Trump and the Republican Party, schools in economically depressed areas have destroyed their education systems due to lack of funds and the provision of ostentatious university degrees. These universities have finally proved worthless, but put students in lifelong debt, and elite schools have been unable to produce enough good scientists.

在贝斯蒂·德沃斯(Besty DeVos)、特朗普(Trump)和共和党(Republican)的努力下,经济萧条地区的学校因资金匮乏和提供虚有其表的大学学位而被摧毁了其教育体系,这些大学最终被证明一文不值,却让学生背负终身债务,精英学校已无法培养出足够多的优秀科学家。

With the takeover of East Asia and Europe, the relative strength of the United States is declining, which is also the reason why the United States provokes the Ukraine issue and the Taiwan Strait issue. Most experts believe that it will take China 10 or 20 years to lead the world, and the world needs him, but not that aggressive belligerent hegemony. I think billions of people around the world can't wait for the day when the United States stops managing the earth.



It depends on how failure is defined.


If "failure" means that under the current strategy of the United States to contain China, in the next 20 years or so, China can achieve twice the total economic GDP of the United States, or the per capita income can reach the minimum standard of developed countries and achieve a peaceful rise. I think this goal can be achieved.


If you want to completely destroy the American economy in the next 100 years, I don't think that will happen. After all, the United States represents a western style democracy. This is a path we have chosen for mankind. I don't want it to be broken and proved to be a hoax before we complete its historical mission.


If someone says that in the more distant future, the economic scale of China and India may be several times that of the United States, I think it is possible. The focus of the world is returning to Asia. The development of human society is based on population. In Asia, capitalist democracy and socialist democracy will become two sides of the coin.


If we are talking about the star age in fantasy novels, I think everything is possible, communism may win, or it may become meaningless because of completely subversive social forms and modes of production.


If we're talking about military conflict.


For at least 20 years, China's definition of victory is to keep the subordinate troops of the United States and its allies 500 kilometers ahead of the coastline in short-term high-intensity conflicts. At the same time, we should strive for time for international mediation to ensure that it will not escalate into an all-out war and a nuclear winter.


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China is a growing military power, but the navy is still slightly weaker than the United States, so a war close to China is beneficial to them. Since neither country has the ability or will to invade the other, the only possible hot war in the foreseeable future is the South China Sea or Taiwan issue.


As far as Taiwan is concerned, the island is too close to China, so China's anti-ship missiles will prevent the United States from doing anything good when China wants to invade. As far as the South China Sea is concerned, the US aircraft carrier battle group cannot go to the South China Sea without China's knowledge. At any given time, only three to four people risk leaving the U.S. military base. They are easily tracked by satellites or many SCS equipment owned by China.


If war breaks out, the position of an aircraft carrier battle group in the South China Sea will be easily monitored by the Chinese, and it will be blown into the seabed by land-based missiles. In 2016, the Chinese Army informed the US military of the geographical coordinates of the US aircraft carrier, immediately curbing an upcoming hot war. Even if the United States takes any of their islands, they will take them back immediately, because a pair of aircraft carrier battle groups cannot fight a land power in China's backyard, and the power of the whole country is under their control.


Another possible scenario is the proxy war of a third country. For example, if we want to invade Venezuela and seize its oil, and China reaches an agreement with the current government, there may be conflict between the two sides.


However, China is unlikely to send troops around the world to protect Venezuela from US invasion. They cooperate with the existing government for mutually beneficial trade. They may sell weapons to this country, making it more difficult for the United States to bite, but if we decide to invade this country, they will not fight us unless it is one of the neighboring countries adjacent to China. However, we all know the results of the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The United States fled. Now the United States is unwilling and unable to suddenly turn hostile
