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由三名男性组成的仲裁小组认定, 主管金的行为涉嫌贬低雇员人格尊严,令其处于充满敌意、羞辱与冒犯的工作环境中。而且根据他们的判断,“秃头”这个词与受保护的性别特征之间存在联系。

In our judgment, there is a connection between the word ‘bald’ on the one hand and the protected characteristic of sex on the other.

法庭援引1995年的一起案件,一名男经理因为评论了一个女人胸部的尺寸被认定为性骚扰。 仲裁小组 认为称男性为秃头相当于在评论女性胸部的大小。

被告公司的律师反驳:不仅男人会秃头,女人也会秃头啊。 但三名法官认为,相比女性,秃头在男性中确实更加普遍,他们仨就能证明。

However, as all three members of the tribunal will vouchsafe, baldness is much more prevalent in men than women.


“We find it to be inherently related to sex.”

因此法庭认为,“主管金将原告 芬恩称为‘秃头蠢驴’的行为是不受欢迎的,它侵犯了原告的尊严,为他创造了一个恐吓性的工作环境,并且这跟原告的性别有关。”

“The tribunal therefore determines that by referring to the claimant as a ‘bald cunt’ … Mr King’s conduct was unwanted, it was a violation of the claimant’s dignity, it created an intimidating environment for him, it was done for that purpose, and it related to the claimant’s sex.”


