
Daily K-line of Shanghai Stock Index shows trend of upward breakthrough


This week, the daily K-lines of Shanghai Stock Index were also small red or black. On Monday (11 April), inertial decline was continued from last Friday with jump low, and a black with lower shadow was formed suggesting reasonable further fall. Sure enough on Tuesday, it dropped to the lowest 3140.90, and closed as a red with shaven head and lower shadow, implying continuous rise. On Wednesday, it opened as jump low, and a small black was formed with longer upper shadow and shorter lower shadow. On Thursday, it jumped high at opening, and closed as a small red with almost shaven head and bottom. On Friday, it was an false red with minimum amplitude (only 0.92%), implying strong wait-and-see atmosphere and imminent change of direction.

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Short-term technical indicator Bollinger Bands of 20-day average showed that, the distance between the upper track and lower track was getting smaller and smaller, and the median track was already rising, suggesting greater possibility of upward breakthrough, and very small downward space.

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The splitting trend of the sector of real estate was continuing, and the varieties that fell at a high level in the early stage gradually stabilized, while the varieties with small increase in the early stage were already starting to rise, such as “Aoyuan Beauty Valley”, “Jinke Property Group”, etc. Supported by the favorable reduction of deposit reserves, the financial sector led by banks remained strong, and the leading stock “Bank of Chengdu” had set the highest price 16.68 yuan since its listing.

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“Guanghui Logistics” rose to the limit as “-” for 4 consecutive days, and could not be pursued, but fell to the limit once it was bought on Friday, so selling high and absorbing low to make price difference was planned in the next week. “China Fortune Land” continued to fall this week, in the later 3 days, it stabilized as supported by the median track of Bollinger Bands, and selling high and absorbing low was performed twice. The stock closed at 3.54 yuan, and had reached the chip dense area, so the shares were hold for gain.

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