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First of all, thanks for inviting me for this program. It's my pleasure to participate in thisprogramme.

My research area covers an interdisciplinary field of soft matter physics and biophysics. Soft matter was developed mainly by scientists like Pierre-Giles de Gennes (who is the Nobel Prize laureate in physics in 1991) and Jacques Prost, to understand the physical and rheological properties of soft squishy materials like colloids, gels, foams, and even liquid crystals (which were used extensively in television displays afterwards). Soft matter research deals not only with how these properties for e.g., viscosity, elasticity, or plasticity of foams and gels are quantified and measured in experiments, but also with elaborate theoretical frameworks to understand what generic parameters these properties depend on, and what exactly makes these foams or gels different from a normal fluid like water.

In the late 20th century scientists also figured out that concepts from soft matter, statistical physics, and fluid mechanics can be used to understand the physics of biological units like cells, tissues, and organs, and thus biophysics was born. Biophysics deals mainly with statistical and mechanical properties associated with these biological materials which make up all living matter that we see around us. For example, how gene activity and expression depend on external stimuli, and how cancers or tumours form are two popular branches of current biophysics research.

Throughout my research career, I had been mainly interested in understanding how physical processes take place in cells and tissues. For example, how cells can sense mechanical forces and transmit chemical signals from outside the cells to inside the nucleus is a complex physics problem and has been one of my research interests till now. I have also been interested in understanding the mechanics of a collection of cells and how it ultimately gives rise to a multicellular structure like tissue. I have often used concepts from soft matter physics and fluid dynamics to answer these questions.





The smallest units of a biological system are considered to be cells. One can go even further down the length scales and say that cells are made up of proteins, amino acids, and atoms and molecules. But to understand how these very small subunits like cells which are a size of a few micrometres or even smaller divides and self-organize themselves to form bigger multicellular structures like tissues and organs is one of the most important fundamental questions in biophysics. And at the heart of this self-organization is a collective behaviour that makes us consider cells as fields which can move around, flow, and display complex properties just like a complex fluid. And cell flows are important to understand how a tissue morphology or shape develops over time, or how cancer metastasis takes place.

When a cancer is formed for example, malignant cells from the primary tumour site flow through the bloodstream into other organs and tissues and start dividing there, ultimately metastasizing them. In physical terms we tend to say that a collection of cells has viscous or fluid like properties at long time and large length scales, and more elastic or solid like behaviour at short length scales.

This fluid-like behaviour allows us to use concepts of hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics like the Navier-Stokes equation to theoretically model cells and tissues. Not only cells and tissues, but there is an ample amount of interstitial fluid, water and blood present in the human body, whose flow and properties can only be understood from the physics perspective using fluid mechanics.







Physics has a profound presence in all instruments built by humans including medical instruments. Not only instruments but almost everything that we see around us can be explained from a physics perspective.

If we talk about medical instruments, starting from calibration of these instruments to measurement and quantification of medical data involves physics in it.For example, consider X-rays. To understand X-rays, we need to first realize that it is electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is much smaller than visible light. This requires the knowledge of physics. Electromagnetism itself forms one of the branches of physics.

Then to understand the basic concept of X-ray radiation, we again require the knowledge of physics to know how electrons are accelerated between electrodes which are placed in a vacuum in an X-ray tube. And how these accelerated electrons finally produce radiation in the form of X-rays.

Another example is Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI which is used extensively for imaging the human body to detect tumours and physiological conditions like strokes and muscle or joint abnormalities. This technique uses the concept of radio frequency emission by a certain nucleus of atoms like hydrogen when placed in an external magnetic field. As hydrogen is abundant in the human body particularly in water and fat, the MRI machine basically maps out the location of water and fat in our body.

This is again an example of an ingenious method designed using principles of physics to probe into the human body and identify abnormalities which are otherwise hard to detect. There are various companies which make medical instruments like Philips which has its own line of healthcare products like CT scanners, MRI machines, X-Ray machines, and tomography machines to name a few.







I grew up in India in one of the historical towns called Serampore. At school I was a mediocre student but had a liking for science, especially physics. Like most Indian kids, I faced a lot of parental pressure to perform well in the school exams and then go for studying engineering or medicine after my high school.

In India, middle class families always want their kids to go for safe options like engineering or medical fields when it comes to higher studies. Creative art fields like painting or literature are usually discouraged and looked down upon, as they don't always end up providing a steady income job. So, after school I was preparing to become an engineer, but some medical conditions at that time prevented me from appearing for the entrance exams, and that is when I decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in physics. Little did I know that this decision of going for a Physics BSc would one day change the course of my life and ignite more passion for the subject. I did my master’s and PhD after that and got extremely interested in going for postdoctoral studies outside India. So, I ended up in Europe doing my postdocs in primarily soft matter and biological physics.

What I found quite different here is the work culture and environment which in stark contrast to Indian academia is based largely on the passion, honesty, and trust of students and scientists. In India studying science for higher education is not so much based on the real interest of the students as much as it is based on the options available at hand. In many cases students who fail to clear engineering or medical entrance exams end up studying basic science in India. Whereas in Europe students going for higher education in science are highly motivated and passionate about the subject.

And it has become very evident that European students have a much more disciplined work ethic and are better organized compared to what I experienced in India.On a positive note, I would like to think that has rubbed onto me as well!



然而,尽管如此,物理学和文学无法统一也并非完全正确。例如,科幻小说是科学为故事提供素材的文学类型之一。艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Issac Asimov)是使科幻小说流行起来的最多产的科幻作家之一,在全球拥有无数粉丝。

后来也有科幻小说改编成电影的例子,比如《银河系漫游指南》(The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy)和《火星救援》(The Martian)。更不用说无数的科幻电影,如《星际穿越》或《地心引力》,它们将电影的视觉效果提升到了一个完全不同的水平,并推动了技术的进步。

事实上,著名的天体物理学家基普·索恩(Kip Thorne)曾合作拍摄电影《星际穿越》(Interstellar),这也为一些科学论文的发表铺平了道路。这是电影和科学携手并进的罕见案例之一。



In my view physics and literature are very different entities and deal with very different things. Physics is mostly about knowing facts about how things work, and their mechanical properties, whereas literature is mostly fiction and imagination. Although one can write stories based on real facts, those are mostly relegated to autobiographies or historical novels. I think we should celebrate their differences and not worry too much about their romance!

However, having said that, it is not entirely true that physics and literature cannot unite. For example, science fiction is one of the genres where science has provided the fodder for the story. Issac Asimov has been one of the most prolific science fiction writers who popularized the genre, and has countless fans spread across the globe.

There had also been instances of science fiction books getting adapted for movies later, like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Martian. And not to mention countless science fiction movies like Interstellar or Gravity which just took visual effects in films to a whole different level and actually played a role in advancing technology.

In fact, one of the famous astrophysicists Kip Thorne collaborated in making the film "Interstellar", which also paved the way for some scientific papers. This was one of the rare instances where film and science actually went hand in hand.

Nowadays there are TV shows also which are based on science fiction. One of the very good examples is The Expanse, where actually the producers have tried to get things right from a physics perspective as much as possible!

I believe that if the interaction between science and art can benefit both sides - either in giving or receiving, either science providing the raw material for books, or tv shows and films bringing science to a wider audience, then that is already good enough.

