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Qinghai Lake, China's largest inland saltwater lake, has seen its largest water area since 2004 as a result of increased rainfall and improved ecological conservation.因降雨增多以及生态保护工作加强,青海湖的水体面积达到2004年以来最大值。


按照湖泊水的物理性质划分,可以把湖泊分成咸水湖(saltwater lake)和淡水湖(freshwater lake)两类。

水中含盐度超过1克每升的湖泊称为咸水湖。咸水湖通常是湖水不排出或排出不畅,蒸发造成湖水盐分富集(high salinity)形成的,故多形成于蒸发量大的干燥地区(an arid area of high evaporation)。我国最大的内陆咸水湖(China's largest inland saltwater lake)是青海湖。

淡水湖是指以淡水形式积存在地表上的湖泊(bodies of still, unsalted water surrounded by land),水中含盐度一般小于1克每升。淡水湖一般是外流湖,因为注入湖泊的冰雪融水、河流以及降水等水流最终又流向它处,湖水的盐分很低。我国最大的淡水湖(China's largest freshwater lake)是鄱阳湖。


Increased rainfall was the main reason for the lake's water area expansion. Enhanced ecological conservation also played an important role.降水增多是青海湖水体面积增大的主要原因,针对青海湖区域的生态保护工作也起到了积极作用。



The lake had been shrinking since the 1950s due to multiple reasons, such as human activities. The combined effects of conservation and changes to the regional climate turned things around.由于人类活动等多种因素,自上世纪50年代起,青海湖的水体面积不断下降。生态保护工作以及该地区气候变化等共同作用使得这一情况得到改善。

In 2008, Qinghai launched a 10-year plan on the ecological environment protection and comprehensive management of the Qinghai Lake basin with a total investment of 1.567 billion yuan.



在日常生活中,basin这个词多表示“盆”这种器皿,比如,water basin(水盆),a basin of water(一盆水)等;在地理概念中,basin则可以用来表示“盆地”或“流域”,比如:the Yellow River basin(黄河流域), Tarim basin(塔里木盆地)等。

The improving ecosystem of the lake has benefited a variety of plant and animal species. For example, the number of bird species in the lake had increased from 164 in 1996 to 225 in 2020.



生态治理ecological governance

水资源优化配置optimized allocation of water resources

三江源国家公园Sanjiangyuan National Park

生态文明 ecological civilization

黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展 the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
