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这枚墨西哥鹰洋币正面为一展翅雄鹰,嘴含长蛇(花边的鹰爪与鹰翅相连,直边鹰洋蛇尾与鹰翅不相连),单腿立在仙人掌(国花)上,边缘上端刻着西班牙文“REPUBLIKAMEXIKANA (墨西哥共和国)”。后面的中间是一个自由软帽。瓦片上印有西班牙文" LIBERTAD (自由)"。帽顶周围放射长度不同的光柱(花边鹰洋和直边鹰洋光柱数也不一样,花边鹰洋自由帽顶上的3个光柱中一支较短,中间一支较长)。模式代表了力量,忠诚,和平和自由。从1823年开始铸造的鹰洋银币,到1905年停止铸造,历时83年,发行时间之长,堪称世界罕见。这枚鹰洋货币相貌良好,钱文轮廓清晰,具有较高的历史、艺术和收藏价值。


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个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。






In the history of Chinese currency, from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and from the beginning of the 20th century, along with the expanding foreign trade, foreign currencies represented by silver coins poured into China, and from the corner of the southeast to the whole of China, from the means of payment for foreign trade to the mainstream form of Chinese currency, it brought an unprecedented impact on the Chinese society at the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and from the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.

According to the relevant data, there were dozens of foreign silver coins in circulation in China at that time. Among them, the most common ones were Spain, Mexico, Britain, Japan and the United States. These foreign silver coins are exquisite in manufacture, uniform in format, uniform in weight and fineness, and easy to trade and calculate by enumerating values. Therefore, they are widely circulated.

Mexican silver dollar, commonly known as eagle ocean. It is a legendary currency in the history of world finance. From 1824 to 1905, Mexico, with its rich silver reserves and silver coin making technology, made Yingyang into a black horse in the Chinese market after independence, and China is its biggest selling country. Because Spain has two pillars, China does not have silver coins, and other foreign countries are confused. All these give Yingyang's intervention an opportunity. After several rounds of competition, Yingyang has become a dark horse in the Chinese market. Finally, Yingyang has become invincible to replace Yingyang, and is regarded as a "positive ocean" for trade. In recent years, Yingyang has become an obsessed collectors at home and abroad because of its editions caused by such factors as foundries and production year numbers. The legend of Ocean Eagle not only shows the coinage art of Mexico, but also is an example of friendly intercourse between human beings. During the late Qing Dynasty, foreign silver dollars were mostly imported into China from Mexico.

The front side of this Mexican eagle foreign coin is a winged eagle with a long snake in its mouth (the tail of a lace eagle foreign cobra is connected to the tail of an eagle, and the tail of a straight eagle is not connected to the tail of an eagle). The coin stands on the cactus (national flower) with one leg and the book "REPUBLIKAMEXIKANA (Republic of Mexico)" written in Spanish at the top of the edge. Back for a free soft hat in the center. The book has the Spanish word "LIBERTAD (Freedom)". Light pillars of different lengths radiated from around the cap (the number of pillars of lace eagle and straight edge eagle are also different, one of the three pillars on the top of the lace eagle's cap is shorter in the middle and the other is longer in the middle of the straight edge eagle). The design symbolizes strength, loyalty, peace and freedom. The Eagle Silver Coin was minted in 1823 and stopped in 1905. It lasted 83 years. Its issuing time is so long that it is rare in the world. This eagle foreign coins phase intact, Qian Wen outline clear degree is good, has the very high historical value, the artistic value and the collection value.