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Guangdong, Zhejiang and Henan provinces will start administering booster doses of vaccine to residents this month to strengthen their immunity to COVID-19 as sporadic outbreaks are reported in some parts of China. Those targeted for a third dose are people aged 18 to 59 who received two doses of inactivated coronavirus vaccine at least six months ago, authorities said.近期,国内部分地区报告新冠肺炎散发病例,广东、浙江以及河南省将从本月起开始新冠疫苗加强针接种工作,以加强民众的免疫力。第三针接种将面向已完成两剂次灭活疫苗接种6个月以上的18-59岁人群。


所谓疫苗加强针(booster shot/booster dose),是指在完成疫苗接种后,根据抗体消退的情况进行补充接种,保持人体对病毒免疫力的疫苗剂次。这里的核心词booster,来源于动词boost,主要表示“加强、促进、推动”等意思,比如boost production(促生产),boost morale(提振士气)等,在这里表示“increase or renew the effect of the vaccine”,即“增强疫苗产生的效果”。


The city health commission in Shanwei, Guangdong province, said on Thursday that priority for the booster shot will be given to front-line personnel at medical institutions and workers in government departments, law enforcement, public services, customs, border ports, harbors, the cold-chain industry and those who want to study or work abroad.广东省汕尾市卫健部门9月23日表示,将面向一线医疗卫生人员,政府机关、执法部门、公共服务、海关、口岸、冷链等行业工作人员,以及出国工作学习人员等重点人群开展加强针接种。


Research has shown that a person's antibody level will be increased more than tenfold if a third dose of vaccine is given more than six months after the second, and that immunity will be maintained at a relatively high level for another six months.研究发现,接种疫苗第二剂后6个月再接种一剂,抗体水平增幅达到十多倍。 接种后,再过6个月还能维持在比较高的水平。


免疫屏障immunity barrier

有效性和安全性研究safety and efficacy research

常态化疫情防控regular epidemic prevention and control

输入病例imported COVID-19 cases

本土病例locally transmitted cases

无症状感染者asymptomatic cases

传染病检疫及监测quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases

流行病学调查epidemiological investigation

集中观察concentrated observation

外防输入、内防反弹to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic

早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗“四早”措施the principle of early detection, reporting, quarantine and treatment


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
