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  1. 古巴一名男子在反政府抗议活动中被杀
  2. 四名伊朗人策划绑架美国、加拿大和英国人质
  3. 南非暴乱的死亡人数上升
  4. 立陶宛投票以限制白俄罗斯的移民涌入
  5. 一名意大利司机在汽车起火中,救下了25名儿童

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BBC 07月13日头条新闻

Cuban authorities have confirmed that a man was killed during unrest in the country - the first confirmation of a death since the protests broke out.

State media say Diubis Laurencio Tejeda, 36, died in a suburb of the capital Havana on Monday.

According to officials, he was part of a group that attacked a government facility. But witnesses say security forces targeted members of the group.

The rare nationwide anti-government protests began on Sunday.


官方媒体称,36 岁的迪乌比斯·劳伦西奥·特赫达 (Diubis Laurencio Tejeda) 周一在首都哈瓦那郊区去世。




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BBC 07月13日头条新闻

Four Iranian nationals have been charged with plotting to kidnap a New York-based journalist, the US Department of Justice says.

The indictment did not name the target, but Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-born author, says it was her.

The conspirators, described as intelligence officials, also allegedly plotted to lure a person in the UK and three others in Canada to Iran.

All of the targets had been critical of Iran, says the Manhattan indictment.


起诉书没有指明谁是被绑架的目标,但伊朗出生的作家马西赫·阿利内贾德 (Masih Alinejad) 说她是这些人的目标。




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BBC 07月13日头条新闻

The death toll in South Africa has risen to 72, after violence engulfed parts of the country after the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma.

This includes 10 people killed in a stampede during looting on Monday night at a shopping centre in Soweto.

The BBC filmed a baby being thrown from a building in Durban that was on fire after ground-floor shops were looted.

The military has now been deployed to help the police overstretched since the unrest began last week.

在南非前总统雅各布祖马入狱后,暴力活动席卷了南非部分地区。由此造成的死亡人数已上升至 72 人。

其中包括周一晚上在索韦托购物中心发生的一起踩踏事件,该事件造成 10 人死亡。

BBC 拍摄到了一名婴儿从德班的一座建筑物中被抛出的影像,该建筑物在一楼的商店遭到洗劫后着火。



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BBC 07月13日头条新闻

Lithuania has voted in favour of strict new migration laws amid an influx of arrivals from Belarus.

Politicians backed the controversial legislation on Tuesday, allowing the mass detention of migrants and limiting their right to appeal.

It comes as hundreds of migrants have illegally crossed into Lithuania from Belarus in recent weeks.

Lithuania accuses Belarus of flying in foreign migrants who then head to the border, a claim Belarus denies.






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BBC 07月13日头条新闻

A bus driver in Italy has been praised for getting 25 schoolchildren to safety after noticing a problem with his vehicle before it burst into flames.

The bus, which was transporting youngsters aged between 14 and 16 to a summer camp, caught fire in a tunnel about 50 miles (80km) north of Milan.

Firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and extinguished the flames.

Footage released by the fire department showed smoke billowing out of the tunnel and long queues of traffic.

意大利的一名公交车司机因为在车辆起火前注意到车辆存在问题并将 25 名学童带到安全地点而受到称赞。

这辆巴士在米兰以北约 50 英里(80 公里)的隧道中着火,巴士中运送了14-16岁的参加夏令营的青少年。

