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ZTV WORLD, the international channel of Zhejiang TV Station, launched a series of stories titled 100 Years·The Impressions of Zhejiang(China) in Foreigners' Eyes on July 1· Nearly 20 foreigners studying, living and having businesses in Zhejiang Province participated in the shooting. They explored Zhejiang through visits, observations, dialogues and experiences, with a focus on Zhejiang's achievements made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the province's footsteps in the 100 years since the CPC was founded.

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浙江国际频道《100年·外国人眼中的浙江记忆》热播 浙江高校师生反响热烈


In May, Tom, a British teacher of Zhejiang University of Technology, visited Fenshuitang Village of Yiwu, the hometown of Chen Wangdao who translated the first printed complete Chinese version of The Communist Manifesto, to learn the story of The Taste of Truth. When a series of programs themed 100 Years · The Impressions of Zhejiang(China) in Foreigners' Eyes was on, the College of Foreign Languages of Zhejiang University of Technology organized students to watch it. Rich in content, it presents interesting and significant stories of Zhejiang that are seen through the eyes of foreign friends in a novel way.

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托马斯(Thomas Chapman)来自英国,是浙江工业大学的教师,也是系列节目《真理的味道》篇的讲述人。他研究生就读于英国约克大学,专业是当代历史与国际政治,《共产党宣言》是他研究生课程里的一部分。

Thomas Chapman, a UK native, now serves as a teacher in Zhejiang University of Technology. He is the teller of The Taste of Truth, an episode of this series. As a postgraduate student of Contemporary History and International Politics at the University of York, The Communist Manifest was part of the works he studied.

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In May 2021, Thomas visited Fenshuitang village of Yiwu, where Chen Wangdao was from and finished his translation work. During the visit, he was told that The Taste of Truth Is So Sweet is a story about Chen Wangdao and his mother.

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Thomas Chapman(托马斯)





Peng Guozhen, dean of the College of Foreign Languages of Zhejiang University of Technology, was impressed by the series for its unique way of narration. The series presents a good opportunity to impart theories and knowledge of international communication to the students and serves as a great example of the storytelling techniques for telling Chinese stories from an international perspective.

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《100年·外国人眼中的中国浙江记忆》融媒传播节目于7月1日起在浙江国际频道ZTV WORLD、英语传播窗口ZTV NEWS、“中国蓝新闻"客户端英文频道NEWS、中国蓝国际融媒矩阵精彩开播。

该融媒系列还将在CGTN、央视频、国际在线等央媒以及中国浙江、印象浙江英文网等平台更新。同时,在Facebook及YouTube上搜索#100Years·The Impressions of China in Foreigners' Eyes#,也能观看该节目。

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