
1/ 宁波中远海运集运将于7月1日起全面推行区块链电子提货单。


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2/ 续 昨晚,全球最大的数字货运平台——满帮集团正式在纽交所挂牌上市,市值超1500亿人民币,一举成为今年IPO规模最大中概股。而其背后(IPO前)软银持有满帮22.2%的股份,为最大机构投资方。昨天软银的投资逻辑很简单。这是一场毫无掩饰的赌,赌的是科技推动的公司继续快速崛起。此外,满帮董事长兼CEO张晖也成了从阿里“中供铁军”走出来的又一位上市公司创始人。

3/ 今天6月23日,跨境物流数字化平台运链也官宣再次完成新一轮战略融资,此轮投资方为准时达国际供应链管理有限公司,融资完成后,准时达成为运链的单一最大战略股东。

4/ Freightos周二发布了一款新产品WebCargo Vista,旨在让货运代理将在线报价和预订整合到自己的网站上,从而涉足白标(White Label)技术市场,其竞争对手有如Kontainers等。注:White Label意思是你开发了一个产品,而这个产品可以根据不同公司的品牌形象(logo,配色,图片等等)包装成该公司自身的产品。

而Yusen Logistics是其启动客户,并将使用WebCargo Vista来支持其Yusen Vantage Focus 报价和预订门户。

5/ 盐田国际整体操作将从6月24日00:00起全面恢复,而南沙三期则自今日6月23日12:00起暂停全部外贸出口办单业务。

YANTIAN Resumes Full Operations

June 23,2021

Dear Valued Customers,

With the fullsupport of relevant government departments and on the premise of strictepidemic prevention, Hutchison Ports YANTIAN (YANTIAN) has taken proactive measures to steadily resume normal terminal operations. Currently, COVID-19 has been effectively under control in the port area, and the operation capacity of the terminals have steadily recovered. It is now decided that from00:00 on June 24, YANTIAN will resume full operations.

1.All berths (including the West Port area) will essentially resume normaloperations;

2.The number of laden gate-in tractors will be increased to 9,000 per day, and the pickup of empty containers and import laden containers remain normal.

3.The arrangements of accepting export laden containers will resume normal withETA - 7 (within 7 days of the vessel’s ETA) .

YANTIAN will continue to strictly implement epidemic prevention, control measures andpromote production in a safe and orderly manner.

Thank you for your kind attention.

6/ Hapag Lloyd本周宣布再订6艘23500TEU集装箱船。


也不知明天与意外哪个先来~ 有感于昨天宁波身家上亿的大佬级人物载着刚回国的女儿丧命于意外倒下的打桩机,就在我上下班路上,实惨。