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对话由CGTN主持人王冠主持,宁波诺丁汉大学商学院院长、战略管理教授马丁·洛克特(Martin Lockett)在现场和来自宁波诺丁汉大学、宁波大学的青年代表们探讨交流当下经济、城市发展的各种奇思妙想。


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现场,主持人与洛克特(Martin Lockett)教授、宁波诺丁汉大学商学院学生王嘉仪、宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院博士生Samuel Ampaw、宁波大学学生Chen Qiao就宁波的区位优势、营商环境、招才引才、未来发展等方面展开了热烈讨论。




Samuel Ampaw来自加纳,在宁波诺丁汉大学攻读经济学博士学位。在他看来,宁波政府对未来的规划做得非常清晰,而且坚持在正确的方向上执行计划。


王嘉仪提到现在市民去办事,很多事情都可以在APP上进行,这对于她这个非宁波本地人来说非常方便。Samuel Ampaw说起他的经历,去看病、查询路线、查询政策信息,都可以在遍布市区很多地点的智慧机器上进行预约、查询等。

UNNC staff and students showcased on CGTN’s “Ningbo Youth Roundtable”

18 June: The Ningbo Youth Roundtable took place at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), as the first stop of the Rising Star Cities program developed by China Global Television Network (CGTN). This program aims to discover how cities of over one trillion GDP made it, with Ningbo being a prominent example.

Together with the host Michael Wang, Professor Martin Lockett, Dean of Nottingham University Business School (NUBS), Jiayi Wang, an undergraduate business student, and Samuel Ampaw, a PhD student from the Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences at UNNC, held an inspiring discussion regarding various aspects the city of Ningbo, including its cultural history, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Professor Lockett has developed a strong affinity with China since his first research trip in 1975, and is an expert on China’s economy. In 2017, he moved to his current role as Dean of the Faculty of Business at UNNC.

During the roundtable discussion, Jiayi, from Sichuan Province, shared that in her eyes Ningbo is a smart, diverse, and inclusive city. Samuel, from Ghana, remarked that he was quite impressed by Ningbo’s input and development in the field of intelligent medical research.

Professor Lockett mentioned that during his field research, he noticed that the innovative ideas and products of Ningbo’s manufacture industry continue to amaze, “Ningbo has upgraded its industry to achieve high quality products, and companies in Ningbo have become more international.”

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文字来源 | 《甬派》,Lily Su

图片来源 | CGTNGlobalBusiness

Amelia Wang

English | Elena Yang, ETT






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