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China’s latest Internet fad: Ridicule Caoxian county — a tiny, little-known inland county in East China’s Shandong Province — and talk about it as if it is on par with the world’s most developed cities. 最近中国的网络热潮:调侃曹县。曹县本是一个不太为人所知的内陆县城,大家却把它说成能够比肩世界最发达的城市。



The county shot to fame on China’s social media with topics related to it discussed more than 500 million times, after a local live streamer bragged about his hometown in an exaggerated and contemptuous tone on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. 在一位抖音网红在视频中用夸张的口吻吹嘘他的家乡后,曹县在中国社交媒体突然走红,相关话题浏览量超过5亿次。 The influencer on Douyin, identified as Dashuo, posted short videos in which he yelled in the local dialect: ”Caoxian county rocks!” 这个叫“大硕”的网红在发布的短视频中用方言喊到“曹县666!”


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However, the local county government quickly seized the opportunity to promote its economic progress and attract talent, with the county’s chief appearing in live streamed sales events and conducting media interviews. 然而,当地县政府很快抓住了时机,推动经济进步,吸引人才。曹县县长出现在一场直播活动中,并接受了媒体采访。





Liang Huimin, deputy Party chief and head of the local government, said Caoxian has a burgeoning e-commerce industry and is the biggest supplier of coffins to Japan, The Beijing News reported. As much as 90 percent of the coffins in Japan are made in Caoxian, Liang said, adding that hundreds of thousands of local people are engaged in the wood-product industry.

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Caoxian is also China’s largest manufacturing base for performance costumes, including Hanfu, the historical clothing of the Han people, which has become popular with young Chinese. The county had around 1.4 million people with a 2020 GDP of 46.38 billion yuan (US$7.2 billion).



参考:新京报 Shine等