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Bespoke menswear production in which garments such as suits are completely original and made to the measurements of the specific client. Tailoring describes the various traditional techniques used to produce a jacket.




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A piece of hard chalk used by tailors to make temporary marks on fabric relating to the size of the client. Also known as French chalk, a tailor will chalk lines on to the cloth of a semi-made garment during a fitting in order to make precise alterations to ensure an accurate final fit.




A repeated multicoloured, square pattern in wool cloth created from the coloured threads used to weave it. Designs are associated with Scottish clans and have setts or pattern sizes that vary according to the weight of the cloth and the mill that produces it. In general, the heavier the weight the larger the sett. The broader colour bands are the under check, which may be adorned with narrower colour lines called the over check. Most tartans use the three-colour design for the Black Watch regiment, which at one time was the only legal pattern.

有重复多色方形图案的羊毛织物,用彩色的线编织制成。不同的苏格兰家族有各自不同的专属格纹。由于布料的重量和生产厂商的差异,其图案或花纹尺寸也会不同。通常,重量越重,图案越大。可以将较宽的纹路放在下方,较窄的纹路装饰在宽纹上方。大多数Black Watch格纹为三色图案,也是唯一在专门机构登记过的图案。