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这是 一直夫妇 的第 491 篇文章


日本福岛打算将 125 万吨核废水排向太平洋,这件事情引起我国和韩国等邻国的强烈抗议。海洋是全人类的海洋,日本排污必然会损害全世界的利益,而且核废水的危害远不止让我们这一代人承担健康代价。但西方媒体却避重就轻,大家可以欣赏一下他们的「花式洗地大法」。



倾倒核废水,各家媒体主要用了 dump,release 和 discharge 这三个动词。dump 作名词时,指的是「垃圾场,废品堆」。dump 的动词相应就有了「丢弃,掩埋垃圾」的意思。所以,dump wastewater 指的是「排放废水」,在空气中排放二氧化碳,我们同样可以用 dump。我们来看个《经济学人》的例句,大家写跟水污染、空气污染的文章时可以用上这个动词。

Instead of the CO2 being dumped into the air it is captured and buried underground—so-called carbon capture and storage.


第二,dump 还可以表示 to put something somewhere in a careless untidy way「乱放,乱扔」,比如,dump the parcel at my feet 把快递扔到脚下。

第三,在恋爱关系中,一方率先分手,了一方,这也是 dump。这个衍生义真是让人难过,被甩的一方如同垃圾一样被人丢掉。

第四,dump 还可以指「放弃,摆脱压力、责任等」。

Simone, I'm so sorry to dump this on you.

萨蒙妮 ,把这压力丢给你我非常过意不去。

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discharge 和 dump 一样,词义很丰富。在这里的语境下,discharge 的意思是 to send out gas, liquid, smoke etc, or to allow it to escape 「排放」气体、液体、烟等物质。《纽约 时报》在这次报道中就用了 discharge。其中的 tritium 是元素氚。

有关氚元素的危害性,我查了一下相关资料,德国放射学教授称,氚稀释后,对人体危害很小。但绿色和平高级核专家肖恩·伯尼(Shaun Burnie)表示:「日本政府在转移媒体和本国民众视线的工作上做得很好,使人民聚焦于含氚废水,并声称这不会对环境造成危害。但核污水中还含有许多已知对人体健康和环境有害的放射性物质,包括锶-90。」

South Korea itself operates four heavy-water reactors that routinely discharge water containing tritium at higher levels than those planned in Fukushima, he said in a recent interview.


02 《纽约 时报》

In late 2019, the Japanese government convened diplomats from 22 countries for a briefing on its handling of more than a million tons of wastewater from Fukushima’s crippled nuclear reactors.

整段译文:2019 年底,日本政府召集了来自 22 个国家的外交官,就其处理福岛受损核反应堆逾 100 万吨废水的情况举行了一场简报会。


这个动词多见于政 治类新闻报道中,表示 to arrange for people to come together for a formal meeting「召集,开会」。比如,世卫组织决定是否宣布新冠为全球卫生紧急状态时召开专家会议,这就需要用到 convene。

The World Health Organization will convene a meeting of experts on Thursday in Geneva to vote again on whether to declare the coronavirus epidemic a global health emergency, officials said on Wednesday.



主要有两层意思,一是指「发布会,指示会」,比如,a press briefing 是「新闻发布会」。二是指「详细的指示」,类似 instruction。

Captain Trent gave his men a full briefing.



cripple 既可以作动词,也可以作名词。cripple 表示「伤残者,跛子」,这种说法有冒犯性。如果想要表示「残疾人」,应该用 disabled people,或者 person with disabilities。《唐顿》中的贝茨因为腿瘸,被夫人很不客气地嫌弃过。

作动词的 cripple 引申为 to seriously damage or harm sb / sth「严重毁坏或损害」。《经济学人》在提到美国对华为的打压时,用到了 cripple 这个词。cripple Huawei 「重创华为」。

This would extend to other Chinese firms, including mobile providers, the sanctions with which America has tried to cripple Huawei, China’s telecoms-equipment giant.

这一政策将把此前试图重创中国电信设备巨头华为的制裁手段扩展到其他中国公司,包括移动供 应商。

nuclear reactor

核反应堆。其中的 reactor 是「反应堆」。所以,文中 crippled nuclear reactors 指的是「受损核反应堆」。

Storage space was rapidly running out, the authorities explained, and they were considering several solutions. Among them was removing the most harmful radioactive material from the water and then gradually releasing it into the ocean. The diplomats raised no objections, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said.


Among them was removing the most harmful radioactive material from the water and then gradually releasing it into the ocean.


这句话是一个倒装句,原因在于 among them 这个表语提前到句首的位置,所以这句话用了倒装。

真正的主语是 was 之后的动名词短语。我们调整回正常句序:

Removing the most harmful radioactive material from the water and then gradually releasing it into the ocean was among them.


run out

这个短语在外刊中经常出现,在口语中也很常用。一来,run out 可以表示某件东西「用光了」,比如,句中的 run out 就是此义。storage space was rapidly running out 是指「储水空间将会很快用尽」。二来,run out 还可以表示时间、金钱、耐心等「用光,耗尽」。我们看个《经济学人》讲汽车行业的例句。

At that rate, they may run out of money by the end of the year.



radio-前缀在这里表示的是 connected with radioactivity,所以 radioactive 指的是「具有放射性的,有辐射的」。

On Tuesday, when Japan officially announced that it would put the plan into action, the knives came out. South Korea denounced it as “utterly intolerable” and summoned the Japanese ambassador. China cited “grave concerns.” Taiwan also raised strong objections.


put sth into action

表示「将想法、计划等付诸行动,实施」,和 implement 可以互相替换。

拓展内容:leap into action

如果想要表达「马上采取行动」,我们可以换上 leap 这个动词。比如,《经济学人》在讲新冠病毒抗体检测时用到了这个短语。这里的 leap 也可以替换成 spring, jump 等,用来形容行动非常迅速。

When a new virus invades the human body, the immune system leaps into action.


the knives come out

我们之前在讲《利刃出鞘》这部影片时曾经提到这个短语。《利刃出鞘》的英文片名是 Knives Out,它的名字正是化用了这则习语:the knives are out (for sb),意思是 people are being extremely unfriendly in criticizing someone,相当于我们汉语成语中的「兴师问罪;口诛笔伐」。所以,在这里,the knives come out 指的是日本要把核废水排到海洋中「引起了各方的指责」。

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在这句话中,summon 表示 to arrange an official meeting「召集」,和第一段中的 convene 属于同近义替换。summon Japan’s ambassador 是指「召见日本大使」。另外,summon 还经常构成下面这个词组——

拓展内容:summon up one’s courage

这个短语的意思是「鼓起勇气」,和 muster your courage 意思相同。我们可以在一些跟个人品质相关类的写作中用到。

She was trying to summon up the courage to leave him.


While the envoys in the 2019 meeting may have kept their thoughts to themselves, it is no secret that many countries have qualms about Japan’s handling of the nuclear disaster. China and South Korea are among 15 countries or regions that have banned or restricted food imports from Fukushima, despite the Japanese government’s abundant efforts to demonstrate that products from the area, from rice to fish, are safe to eat.


China and South Korea are among 15 countries or regions that have banned or restricted food imports from Fukushima, despite the Japanese government’s abundant efforts to demonstrate that products from the area, from rice to fish, are safe to eat.


China and South Korea are among 15 countries or regions.

这句话虽然长,但结构比较清晰,主干是句子的开头部分。regions 后面是一个 that 引导的的定语从句,用来说明中韩是十五个禁止或限制进口福岛食品的国家之二。

despite 表示「尽管」,在 demonstrate 后面又跟了一个 that 引导的宾语从句 products from the area, from rice to fish, are safe to eat ,整句连起来的大致意思是「尽管日本证明福岛产品可以安全食用,但中韩并不买账」。


envoy 指的是「公使」,级别在 ambassador 大使之下。ambassador 是最高一级的外交使节。

keep your thoughts to yourself

这个短语来自 keep sth to yourself,表示 to not tell anyone about something「保守某事的秘密,绝口不提某事」。所以,keep your thoughts to yourself 指的是「未公开发表意见,持保留意见」。

have qualms about sth /kwɑːm/

qualm 多用复数 qualms,表示「疑虑,不安」,可以替换我们常用的 worries 。另外,qualms 经常和 about 搭配使用。所以,前面加上否定词 no 之后,就变成了「心安理得」。

He had been working very hard so he had no qualms about taking a few days off.
