《你好,李焕英》HI, MOM


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This is a movie that can make you laugh and cry. It has become a tear jerker once screened.


The movie was written, directed and produced by China’s leading female comedian Jia Ling who is famous for skits, crosstalk, and comedy shows.

This film is about a daughter went back in time, became her mother's BFF, and took part in her life experiences (dating, getting married, working, having kids, etc.)


Actually,The purpose of making this film is to commemorate Jia’s mother Li Huanying. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams.

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The film presents delicate and selfless motherly love with truehearted artistic techniques, which has touched the hearts of countless people. It moved millions of viewers with the simple, pure and sincere emotion between mother and daughter.

"Li Huanying" in the movie is also the microcosm of countless mothers in real life. They are also ordinary but great women.

随着影片票房的“异军突起”, 《你好,李焕英》无疑已经成为众多春节档电影中的佼佼者。

The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi, Mom has become China's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings.



She is not just my mom, she is her own person at the first place.


I always neglect that my mother used to be a teenage girl.


I just want my daughter to be healthy and happy.


All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

The movie is showing up right now.If you haven't seen it yet, why don't you go into the cinema and feel the film that makes millions of Chinese people tear-swelling!