First,firstly 和 at first 都有“首先“的意思,但它们还是有很大的区别的。

一、first 既可以形容词,指的是按顺序、时间、数量、质量或重要性排在其他之前的人或事,也可以作副词,而 firstly 只能作副词,例如:

What’s the name of the first person who walked on the moon?


Beth always arrives first at meetings.


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Firstly, they spent more time in search food .


Firstly, most companies offer too many products in pink.


当用于例举条目或论点的场合时,first 和 firstly,first of all 以及 in the first place 基本上可以通用,都是”首先“的意思,但是我们有足够的理由应该优先使用 first,首先它比较简洁干脆,而且其他的序数词也类似,因为某些序数词很长,再加上 -ly 就显得很冗长,比如:seventhly 和 eighthly,但话说回来,用 firstly 也没错,最重要的是要保持上下文的一致(一致加 -ly 或一致不加 -ly),例如:

First, I prefer the train I can see the landscape. Second, I have control over my luggage, and third, it is better for the environment.


Firstly the sodium chloride is dissolved in the water and heated gently. Secondly a dye is added to the solution.


注意:firstly 在英国英语中比在北美英语中更通用。

二、at first 的意思是“最初,起初”,用以讲述最初阶段的情况,尤指与后来的不同情况相比较,相当于 at the beginning 或 in the beginning,例如:

At first when I went to England to study English, I was homesick, but in the end I cried when it was to leave.


He help. No one heard him at first, but two young girls came to help him.


Maggie had seen him nearly every day at first. Now she saw him much less.
